Wow...A lot has happened since the last update. Sorry to all of you who check in everyday! Holland and Eden are both doing okay, but both have had their ups and downs over the past couple of days. Holland is cruising along with her breathing. She is now on CPAP and breathing well on her own. She was on room air all day today and wasn't needing much extra oxygen. Her biggest issue as of late has been nutrition. Her triglycerides have been running high so they had to stop her lipids. She started feeding again and has been doing okay on 2 cc's of breastmilk every three hours. She'll probably stay on that for a couple of days to make sure she can handle it. She has been having some problems with high levels of direct bilirubin and her doctors are hoping that the breastmilk will be enough to help bring that down. Unfortunately the down side to difficulties with nutrition has been that Holland is looking very scrawny, like a baby bird that has fallen out of the nest. We don't let her looks fool us though. We know that she is a LOT tougher than she looks!

Eden was doing really great over the past couple of days, but had quite a rough day today. It started last night with a lot of secretions in her nose and mouth making it difficult to breathe. She had a pretty scary bradicardia episode last night while her Mom, Dad, and Aunt Laura were there. Today her CO2 levels were much too high and they ended up having to put her back on the ventilator. Much of the day was spent figuring out the appropriate settings to help her get rid of some of that carbon dioxide. When we left the hospital tonight she was starting to look better. On the bright side, the CPAP was making her nose pretty sore and being on the vent will give it time to heal. After giving her a couple of days to rest we'll try the CPAP again. Eden is starting to look like a little chub, isn't she? She is up to full feeds and isn't getting any more IV nutrition. She's up to a full 1 pound 10.5 ounces!
Thanks for the new update...I continue to pray for those sweet babies. God has His hand on their little lives.
I love you.
Hi guys!
Thanks for the update, I was anxiously awaiting the news! I am happy that Holland is breathing on her own and that Eden is beefing up. I am not fooled by Holland's appearance either, I know she is a tough cookie. My love and thoughts remain with you all!
P.S. Did you have a happy b-day, Billie?
They are two tough cookies! (Must get some of that from mom). I send my love and always best wishes. Plus a Happy Belated Birthday!!!! donna
We are one of those who check in daily to see how Holland and Eden are doing....the new update was great to receive, can't wait to meet the two of them when we arrive back to the states.
Lots of Love and Prayers......Stacey
Holly looks SOOO scrawny!! Poor kid, she was looking so big when I saw her last. Once again Edy and Holly have swiched places... Edy looked scrawny last time. Oh well, now that everyone's PDA's are "fixed" we are looking foward to TWO whole pounds!!! Hope your birthday was AWSOME B!
What a cute little fuzzy face:)
You have been in my thoughts and prayers very very much the past couple of days....just wanted you to know that I love you.
Kiss the babies for me. :)
Hey SP's (Super Parents)
I am so glad I saw my beautiful nieces cuddle with their parents. What a great way to end your B-day night. Eden and Holland cool names for 2 little cute tough girls. Their spirit reminds me of their SP's.
Sending lots of love, J,L,C,C,& C
Hi Guys, Just checking in on the girls! Eden is looking so good! Holland, you have to catch up, you don't want your sister out-doing you! I just know that she will be listening in on this and will want to be just like her sister and get big and strong! I hope you guys are pacing yourselves and allowing some time to rest and relax just a second together. I keep you all close in my heart each day. Love and smooches to all, Mamma Jules
Hey, Billie:
I hope all is well with you and yours...just another short note to tell you that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers...especially little Holland.
I love you much.
Right after I posted my last comment, Meredith came up and wanted to look at Eden and Holland's pictures. I told her that they were sick and we needed to pray for them. She grabbed my hand and said "Let's pray, Mommy." So we prayed for them. She was so sincere, and I know God hears the prayers from a sincere and pure heart. :) All is well.
I love you.
It's been a few days but we just want to let you both know you're in our thoughts and prayers, we hope Holland and Eden are moving forward and that you all have a great Labor Day! See ya soon.....Stacey
Billie and John:
Just a note to say that we are praying for Holland, and hoping she is feeling better than she was Sunday.
Lots of love to you all.
Billie... I have been thinking of you ever since I left. Not sure if Jess told you or not but I left for Ireland on July 31st, my last day being July 30th. In mid-August I emailed some people at work who informed me of the news of the twins.. and I hear they are doing great. Jess gaveme this website so I was so happy to get an update. I am now back at St. Joe's and would love to come see the girls. So happy things are looking up and have you in my thoughts...
Breanna Pond (that bittersweet resident who informed you of twins and the 4 cm!)
Hi Guys, I think it's time to up date this!! I know there is a lot to tell Love Ya Nana
I just wanted to say I have just read the entire Blog and I wish you all the best of luck. I know it isn't easy as we are going through the same ups and downs as you are. We had a baby boy on July 26th at 25 weeks and 1 day of gestation and it isn't easy. Just hang in there and keep believing. I am absolutely amazed at how much these babies will endure. It's inspirational.
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
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