Today Ruthann treated both of the girls to a day at the "St. Joe's Spa." They both got baths and were dressed in their first little outfits to surprise me when I came in. They were so cute I started crying the moment I looked at them! Eden and I also had our first attempt at breastfeeding and she surprised us all with how well she did. The bonding experience was amazing for both of us.

Holland has had a rough couple of days with a bout of what seems to be pneumonia. She started taking antibiotics and had a blood transfusion yesterday and was already looking and acting better today. Eden went through the same thing when she was back on the vent, and I am hopeful that Holland will respond as positively and catch back up in no time.
Oh Billie! I bet you were so excited! What a wonderful surprise for you! And I know that the breast feeding time had to put you through the roof. Prayers are being answered all over the place. We love you all. Mamma Jules
How terrific for you and Eden! I bet you were thrilled. I will say some prayers that Holland recovers quickly and that she can bond with you soon.
Love, Kris
Cute!! Holland will re-coup fast and be nursing too before you know it:) Then you can feed them every two hours on opposite hours for the next year:-p I'm glad you weren't really sick! Your entitled to over react every 30 days or so!! I love you, Kim
I am so glad that Ruthann and the other nurses are so loving and kind. It must help to know the girls are always in good hands. Billie, I am so happy for you, I cannot imagine what an amazing experience it was for you. Holland will be there soon -- it seems like she is a lil' copycat :-) maybe mom and dad need a little day at the spa too? just a thought... love you,
What a nice surprize for Mommy & Daddy to see your little girls all dressed up. Love your website - it's a great reminder to say a little prayer for your babies and you too. Enjoy every moment - they seem to grow up so fast! Know you must be excited about their progress;
it's awesome to think they will be breastfeeding, etc. in no time....love you guys, Deb H.
Dear Billie:
I haven't been able to check the site for a few days because Katie had her baby on the 29th...Zachariah...it seems lots of nice things happened that day! I'm so happy that the girls are moving along so nicely. I will be praying for Holland that her health continues to improve.
I love you so much. Hoping to see you Saturday.
Hello my name is Debbie Lindlbauer, I am in NWSMOM club with Janie Odum. I would like to say congratulations!!! They seem to be little fighters. You are very blessed with those two! I will keep your daughters and the both of you in our prayers. God Bless.
Hey family,
So happy that you and Eden had such a positive experience the first time breastfeeding. We will be praying for Holland that each day brings her closer to her special moment of her first time.
I think my nieces are the most beautiful baby girls that I have ever seen. Love the new picture.
All our love,
Billie and John, it was so good to see you at the shower today. The pictures of Holland and Eden are wonderful. You're going to have your hands full with these little ladies. Fortunately, you have so many people who love you and will be there to give you a hand as often as you need it. May God bless all of you. Connie Wilhoite
Thinking of you, as always! What a sweet thing to have happen! Love from California,
Katy, Keith, Abby, and Drew
(but Abby is actually the one writing this!)
It was good to see you at the shower...I hope that you got alot of nice things, so sorry I was late. :(
I want to come see the girls soon...I know I keep saying that, but I won't come until my girls are finished being sick!!!!
I love you so much, and you are always in my prayers.
I will see you at the shower! Until then, take care of yourself and enjoy your little ones.
Love, Kris
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