Holland and Eden had a great day today. It's really quite incredible how quickly they are growing and changing day to day. Little unique personalities are starting to develop and we definitely have no problems telling the two of them apart. Holland is now on a special cannula device called a
vapotherm that works kindof like CPAP in that it keeps pressure in the lungs but without the big bulky head gear. She is on this for six hours every twelve and is doing great. She now weighs 2lbs 9oz!!

Eden is almost completely off CPAP and on the cannula full time. She does ten hours of cannula and two on CPAP. She really hates those two hours on CPAP so hopefully she won't need it much longer. Last weigh-in was 2lbs 12oz!!
The girls are spending more time together now and really seem to enjoy it. Pretty soon they may be moved to a crib for some co-bedding! We are really looking forward to that day.
Here are some great pictures that Billie took today. A couple of cutie pies. Hope you like them!
SOOOOOOOOO beautiful! I have been having a crummy week, and this news and pictures just made it all better. thanks... i love you all and cannot wait to see you in november.
love, lisa
Like them? I LOVE them, what amazingly beautiful babies!! Mitch says he "wants to see them cause he loves them, loves them, loves them". Matt stole my pictures so he could show the 4th grade ('cause he's star of the week) and Marion wants her own set of pictures 'cause they are "just so precious" she can't stop looking at them. I bet your kids are going to be a least as cool as mine:) Love you guys, Kim
Holland and Eden are just too cute in their outfits. So fun to see them together more. I am sure it just warms your heart. Keep posting! I check in daily and am always disappointed when there aren't any new updates.
Love, Kris
Ok...I usually just read the other comments, but I can't resist today. They are SO adorable. I love the pictures and they look so cute side by side in their outfits!
Love you guys! Amy C.
Hey Guys - what adorable pics. I'm so glad they can finally be back together. I'm sure they love being with each other. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow - Janie
Wow! what tremendous progress the babies are making, it's amazing how a few days of not checking your website can make a difference. They are totally adoarable in their little outfits.
We are thinkful for all the Lord has brought you all through.
Lots of love Charles and Stacey
Billie and John, I am so thrilled. It amazes me to see Holland's and Eden's pictures. God has certainly been with you to see you through such a difficult time. All of you remain in my prayers. Connie Wilhoite
Hey guys! Wow...the girls are just beautiful!!! I'm so happy to see them dressed and together....God is good!
I love you all and you are in our prayers, just like always.
Hope to see you soon.
Kiss those sweet babies for me.
p.s. See...I'm not ALWAYS the first one to post a note!!! Love ya.
Dearest Little Ones and Mom and Dad!
We heard your story of the little twin miracles from your Aunt Laura tonight and wanted to wish you all lots of love and prayers. We are the parents of 18 month old triplets who did a little time in the NICU at birth and always feel very close to those who have to share -- and sometimes endure -- this experience. We pray both girls, Holland and Eden, continue to grow stronger each day and will soon go home. Our sincere thoughts and prayers,
Shelly, Scott, Evan, Lilliana, Hayden and Brandon Johnson
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
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