We have a THREE POUNDER! Eden is 3 pounds 1 ounce to be precise, and looking like quite a chubby bunny. She is also doing very well on her full time oxygen cannula and holding her body temperature.
Last night Holland got to try her hand at breastfeeding for the first time. She was soooo good at it. You could hear her sucking and smacking her lips clear across the room! She would sometimes start sucking a little too soon and would be sucking loudly on her top lip. It was really funny and cute. Also today will be Holland's first full day on cannula only. No more CPAP. I'm sure she will be relieved, as she was starting to complain loudly when she had to go back on the CPAP. Both girls were weighed on Tuesday night and little Holly hadn't gained any weight:( That's a bit worrisome so they began fortifying her breastmilk up to 28cal. I was really hoping we wouldn't have to do that because I worry it could cause belly aches or more gas for an already full belly. I guess we will just have to hope for the best. They'll get another weight tonight and a good 60 grams would be nice...
Thursday, October 14, 2004
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Good luck with tonight's weigh-in. Glad to hear they are doing so well!
Love, Amy and Rod
Love the good news about Holland catching on to breastfeeding. Hopefully there will be an increase of grams at tonights weigh-in. Glad about Eden getting over the 3# mark. Awesome! Love you guys! J,L,C,C,&C
Oh I am so happy to hear of Eden's weight gain....she and Holly are both absolute dolls...Sis. Deanna showed me pics tonight at church. Beautiful babies..I've fallen in love for sure. :) Lots of prayers and lots of love.
Hi Guys - this is such great news. What a miraculous story you have to tell!! I can't wait to see those cuties once again. Soon you will have them home safe and sound. What a great day that will be!!
Before you know it they will be little chubbers! They are so sweet Billie! Before you know it everyone will be home together where they belong! Love, Mamma Jules
Three pounder! Yippee! I can't wait to see you Sunday! Love, donna
I am rejoicing and thanking God for being there for all of you. This is just wonderful news. As always I will be continuing to keep all of you in prayer. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
Just found your blog while surfing tonight....and I am touched by the story of your darling twins. Not to mention that they were born on my birthday, and my youngest child (who is almost 13 months old) is named Eden.
Congrats on Holland's breastfeeding! Many hopes for a long and successful breastfeeding experience for all three of you.
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