On Saturday John and I gave Holland and Eden their first full-fledged baths. They each sat in the little tub with their eyes WIDE open looking around. They seemed to like it a lot! Mommy held each baby while Daddy scrubbed their little backs and heads. Then Mommy got them dressed in the little outfits that Kendra, Katie, and Patti Roberts bought for them, and brushed their hair. Well, Holland's hair at least. Eden doesn't really have any!

In other news, Eden has graduated to the oxygen cannula FULL time. Holland is doing 6 hours on cannula and 6 on CPAP. I'm sure she is ready for 9 and they will probably bump it up today. They were weighed yesterday and were up to 2lbs 12.5oz, and 2lbs 15.5oz. They'll get another weight tomorrow and I am SURE Eden will hit the three pound mark. Holland won't be far behind.
A special "Thank You" to Mom, Laura, and Lisa for a beautiful shower on Sunday, and to all of those who attended, from Billie, John, Holland, and Eden
We love you!
What darling litle miracles. They are so precious. I love the little outfits. Their first bath must have been so special! I've been thinking and praying so much for all of you. I look forward to the shower on Sunday!
Love, Ann
Billie and John:
Now I can't wait to see some pictures of them in those cute outfits!! :) I bet they are growing so much.
And they are moving right along as well...I'm so very happy for you! :) Keep smiling.
Much love and many prayers.
They are so lovely! The girls taking baths reminded me of the stevie wonder song "Isn't She Lovely?" I know you must be overjoyed with the progress. i miss you all and can't wait to see you.
oops, that was from me, lisa!
You two have so much strength and love. Eden and Holland are very lucky to have such awesome parents. Looks like they have inherited both of your strengths and spirit. We love you-all very much! J,L,C,C,&C
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