As happy that we are to have one baby home, we were really sad to leave the other behind without her sis. Holland won't be far behind though. We're going to bring her home with us on Wednesday. Holland seems to have finally established a good growing pattern, and weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces on Sunday night.
After 108 days it's really hard to believe how far our babies have come. I clearly remember the day they were born and the way they looked when we saw them for the first time. They were so beautiful and perfect, but so tiny. It seemed impossible that we would ever get to this point. Now we're looking at two babies who will be home with their parents by the date they were expected. Their due date is November 17, the very day that Holland will be joining us at home.
WOW!!! I gave up reading the paper last week because of all the hate and ugliness in the news. Stories like "The Story of Holland and Eden", (not to mention Billie and John) is what should be on the front page once in a while. What a breath of fresh air. Enjoy this precious time. I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. I'm looking forward to meeting my grand nieces in person.
Uncle Keith
Oh, wow. I am currently wiping the tears from eyes. I am so unbelievably touched. What a long road you've traveled. Your strength, courage, and love have gotten you to this point and that is why you are "growing" them so good. I am so happy for you guys. My mom and I already have a little plan for peeking at the girls through the window :-). Love you!
Hi Billie and John
What a miracle your babies are. Thank you for sharing your story with all your friends and family. I know I personally have loved checking the website to get the updates. I know this has been a long road for you both but finally you can have both your babies home and get to enjoy this double blessing. If you need anything please don't hesitate to call me. Love Janie
Dear Billie and John,
HooooRay! I love a happy ending! But knowing the two of you and your combined determination, love for one another and the countless prayers that have been sent your way, I had no doubt your girls would do well. They truly are gifts from above to love and cherish. As old as my two are I remember fondly the 'tiny baby days' when cuddling and peeking in on them asleep were the best highlights of my day. They will seem to have grown overnight like little flowers each morning you go in to pick them up. Enjoy each precious moment, for as the old saying goes, they don't stay babies for long! Love and smooches to you all! Mamma Jules P.S. Do you have a picture window? (tee-hee)!
Billie, John, Holland, and Eden,
I'm so excited for you all that I have goosebumps. I am glad that Eden's homecoming has been a smooth transition. I'm sure Holland's will be on Wednesday as well. They are so blessed to have such strong and devoted parents. I think it is simply a miraculous story one that they will love to be told over and over as they grow. Congratulations to all of you and will continue to be in my thoughts.
Love, Kris
Dear Billie and John:
Oh what wonderful news! I'm so so happy to see these precious babies growing and becoming strong. They are so beautiful, and I know that God has His hand on their tiny lives. They are proof enough to me that God exists and works among us. They've given my faith such a boost that its unbelievable! Please give them a kiss from Meredith and me. We love you all very very much.
Dear Billie & John, I just wanted to let you know what a blessing your website has been for me. I check it every day & when I'm having a bad day, it really makes me smile to see those two precious little faces, they are miracles!! I feel so close to them & I'm so glad you will continue to post their progress. You two are awesome parents! God bless all of you. Marlene (Shane's mom)
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