Eden weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces at her last doctors appointment. She is doing well and getting chubbier every day. She feels like a real chunk when you pick her up with many rolls on her thighs and neck. She is quite the cuddler and loves to sleep on mom or dad. She also really loves to eat and is very noisy when doing so. We like to say that she burbs like a boy! Eden tends to be the calmer of the girls, and she is generally easy to pacify. She has recently began gazing into mom and dad's eyes when they feed her and looks amused, like she might smile any minute. We can't wait! When Edie gets mad she doesn't really cry. Instead, she turns bright red, grunts, and hisses until someone picks her up. We always do, because she looks so sad and pitiful when she is upset:)
Hooray! Another posting is here! The girls are looking so cute, it sounds like all are doing well. Those first smiles are on there way, and will make those fitfull nights more bearable! Hang in there! You're super in my book!
Love, Kris
Hey there, Billie:
Wow...I cannot believe how chunky Eden is! What a little doll! :)
You are in my prayers, daily, and you will make it through those miserable sleepless nights...it will pass! :)
Kelsey was a fusser and we were up MANY nights with her, but now she sleeps like a rock! You'll see...it gets so much better! :)
We all love you so so much.
Take care..kiss that chubber for me.
Dear Billie,
There is no such thing as "supermom", it's just a myth! She doesn't exist! None of us knew what we were doing in the beginning, and anyone who tells you any different is NOT telling the truth! Every emotion you are going through is normal and one by one they are replaced by another, while the first of thinking you don't know what the heck you're doing will be a faint memory...give yourselves a big pat on the back for being strong, loving people who have been through more in the past 5 months than most people do in a lifetime! Those little girls will eventually mature and just think, in another 10 years you won't be able to wake them up and get them out of bed! Take care, smooch those two little sweeties for me and I'm sure I'll see you sometime soon! Love to you all, Mamma Jules
The girls are beautiful as I am sure you are already aware. God has certainly blessed all of you. I am anxious to get to meet Holland and Eden. Connie Wilhoite
I sit in awe of you guys and think of how far these two wonderful girls have come!
The girls are so cute, love the close-ups. That lack of quality sleep thing does a number on emotions.
You guys are doing such an awesome job. A cry here in there is a-okay. J & I have been there for the 3a.m. feeding and why are you not asleep blues.
We love you-all. J,L,C,C,C & J
Sad and pittifull still work for mine too:)
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