Next Friday we have an appointment with the pulmonologist at St. Joe's. We should find out more then about when the girls might be able to come off the oxygen and apnea monitors. At the last two appts their oxygen saturation dropped pretty quickly when they turned off the oxygen, so they clearly weren't ready. Dr. Hurwitz (the pulmonologist) said that babies are usually ready when they weigh 8 pounds, or are at 48 weeks gestation. We'll be past that point next week, so we are really keeping our fingers crossed. If all goes well at the appointment, we may have to stay a night at the hospital for a sleep study to make sure that they are able to maintain their O2 saturation while they sleep.
While we are at St. Joe's we will stop by for a visit at the NICU, to see our old friends, and to have blood drawn again. We are having regular blood draws to monitor the girls calcium and phosphorus levels. Both girls have Osteopenia of Prematurity, which is similar to Osteoporosis in adults. They have been taking Tribasic Calcium Phosphorus (TCP) supplements to treat the condition and to help build stronger bones. I hope that their bloodwork looks good this time because I would love to be able to discontinue all meds. It will be a happy day when we are off of oxygen, monitors, medication, and fortified breastmilk, and just back to basics.
They are so precious. I keep looking at the website to see all of the pictures. I hope all is well with your family. Please keep sending the pictures along. I hope that Traci and I can some and see you when you guys are up for it. We have not seen you in sooo long. It would be wonderful to get together. Take care Love, Terri (Sculthorpe) Fair. My sister and mom say Hello and hope that all is well. Say Hi to Aunt Dee and Uncle Bill for us!!!
What an endearing picute of mommy and girls. It brought a smile to my face to see it. It is wonderful to see how well the girls are doing!
Each time I read your updates I just can't help but smile. For so long it seemed as if the girls would take forever to be 5 lbs. Now they're in the 8 lb range. Wonderful! I'm thrilled for you. Each step is bringing you closer to having little girls who will be busy and active and into everything. And I do mean everything! I love all of their pictures but the one of both of them crying was especially endearing. I just wanted to pick them up and comfort them. I know you have lots of volunteers to be your helpers. Keep me on your list, too. You remain in my prayers. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
Dear Billie and John:
I'm so happy to hear the girls are gaining more and more weight! They look great! :)
That was a precious pic of you holding them and reading to them, Billie. Both of my girls LOVE books...and it looks like yours will too!
You are, as always, in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care of YOU!
Lots of love,
Hello- How did you find out about osteopenia (sp.?) of prematurity? When and why was this diagnosed? This is the first time I have heard of this from either the internet or books on preemies. How old were your girls when you found out? Mine is now 31 weeks. Their nicknames are really cute, but once again, a strange coincidence. I've been calling our daughter crazy as a nickname. Don't know what the nurses make of it...Thanks- e.
Ok- Just read about this on googled site. My daughter gets lots of diuretics (another factor that makes them prone), so I am going to bring this up with the neonatologist. Is it standard at your nicu that all micro-preemies get tested? I cannot believe no-one had brought this up with me before. Very helpful info.
Hi all! looking good and fat over there! i am so happy to hear of the weight gain - i know they will be off of the meds, etc. in no time. also love the new nicknames (though i still like the hip hop handles). i was reading the other commnets from people and i think that it is amazing that the info you are posting about the girls is helping others...pretty cool. i think of you all the time, and all of my friends here love to hear about/see pics of the girlies.
love from LA,
Look at those cheeks! The kind you just want to smooch and smooch! I'm sure that before you know it the equipment, endless doctor visits and meds will be a thing of the past and you'll be walking around with nothing to do all day! (just a little humor!) They are adorable Billie, and Iam always so anxious to see the new updates and photos! Spring will be here before you know it and you all will be able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine! The Easter Bunny is hiding right around the corner! Love, Mamma Jules
Dear Billie & John, What cute little gems! But I'm just wondering WHO is it really wanting a nap-time story - the babies or Mama? (hehehe:) Before you know it you'll be chasing them around as they're getting into everything and those moments of laying peacefully while a story is being read will be a thing of the PAST! My thoughts and love are with all of you. See you in the spring! Love, Candy
You keep reading to those babies!! You are such a good mama!!! Pretty soon they will be trying to eat the book just like Brady! Keep posting updates, I love 'em! Let me know when we can visit.
Love, The Language Arts teacher
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