I am way overdue for an update! I've been home alone with the babies a lot this week, so it's been kinda hard to find time. They are keeping me quite busy...imagine that. So, I'll touch on the most important points from the past week. Daddy gave both babies massages and they loved it. Research shows that preemies who get massaged grow faster than those who don't, so we're going to start massaging them as often as we can. Plus it's just FUN!
The rash on Holland's face, that started as a reaction to the tape, has evolved into full blown eczema and has spread over her whole face, as well as her arms and legs. It itches her terribly and she has figured out how to scratch, so we have to keep mittens on her, along with swaddling her arms in a blankie so she won't mess with it and make it worse. I've spent a lot of time researching and experimenting with different things to help her. What works??? Slathering her in Eucerin three times a day to keep it moisturized, wearing a t-shirt only, especially at night so she doesn't get too hot and sweat, and 1/2% hydrocortizone when it's gets especially red and itchy. And absolutely no tape or bandaids anywhere. It has looked pretty good for the past couple of days and I really hope it stays that way. Holland's cannula has actually been staying in pretty good without the tape. We just have it hooked behind her ears with the slidey thing in the back taped to keep it snug.

I've also done a lot of research regarding Eden's little spells. I don't know if I found the answer, or if they just stopped on their own, but I read something about Calcium and Phosphorus levels possibly causing seizures, so we discontinued her TCP (Tribasic Calcium Phosphorus) for a week and she stopped having spells. We started it back on Monday and they might be coming back. The past couple of nights John and I have noticed a couple little ones at night. They are shorter in duration, only happen when she is waking up, and we can stop them by changing her position, so they are not as scary as before. I'll have to check with the pediatrician to see what he thinks we should do. She definitely still needs calcium supplementation for her bones, so maybe we will switch to something different (like the calcium carbonate she was on before).

On a less "medical" note, both girls are really doing well. They are super cute and their personalities are really developing. Holly is a little fireball with a lot of energy. She is quick to flash her quirky grin and loves talking to mom and dad. Eden is a really sweet calm baby who loves to be held. She wakes up in a good mood in the morning with big smiles for Mom. In this picture Eden is looking a little perplexed because her sister keeps bopping her in the face.
OH THANK YOU! I was so excited to check in this morning and see the new pictures! They have grown so much and are absolutely darling! You can see they are coming into their own personalities just in the pictures! I'm so glad to hear they are doing good too! Love to you all, Mamma Jules
It looks like both girls really enjoyed their massages from dad. (Remind him mom might need one too!) Hope you all know how much everyone loves and misses you. I for one can't wait for this summer. Those two little cuties are going to be soooo much fun. Thanks for the update. Love Liz
Billie & John- the girls are beautiful; and getting more so each and every update (If that's possible). My 2 yr old suffered and still suffers with Eczema to this day; I have found out lots of trail & error things also; if your interested send me an email; and I'll give you the information that I have discovered over the past 30 months. Kacyjf@comcast.net.
Kacy (Harding) Farmer
Thank you!!! I needed an update:) Mitch's face looks a bit like Holly's and so far everything I've tried sends him into orbit (it "burns"):( Holland looks bigger than Eden in the pictures?! They both are gorgeous!!! The picture of them in their bed makes their room look like a very happy place:) I'll see you as soon as I get everyone around here healthy again! If you need a Coldstone fix, just call:)
Love you guys, Kim
Donnie took one look at the picture of Holland getting her massage and said "Oh my God, it's Mitch", Matt said the same thing when he saw it (actually he said "she looks like Mitchell"). Maybe neither one of the girls look like John?:)
OH MY GOODNESS! they are so cute, i could scream! thanks for the update, i am happy to hear they are doing well. i had myself a massage yesterday as well, it's good for what ails you:) i sent the girls a little package, so be on the lookout. love you!
Hi guys.
Wow...those little sweethearts are getting so big! I love the new pics. :) And I just read someplace about that massage helping preemies grow...very cool. I'm glad they are enjoying it. :)
Merry and I still pray for both girls every night...take care of yourself.
Lots and lots of love,
They are getting so big!! They truly are some of the cutest little darlings this world has ever seen. So cute in fact, Aidan is having a tough time deciding between the two... Love to you all. Jess
He, he, he... That's funny Auntie Jess!
Thank you for taking the time to keep us all updated. I look at the site frequently to see how things are going with all of you. You should be applauded for your vigilence in researching for ways to make the babies lives better. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
Just wanted to say HEY! The girls are looking SPECTACULAR! Isn't it kinda unfair of us to have the 7 best looking kids in the whole wide world!?
Luv Ya!, Missy
Matt had excema as a baby and still struggles with it now. Poor baby, we know how much it can bother an adult let alone a little one. He uses the same cream and also uses steroid free Elidel (although I think it is for toddlers up). The girls are looking very cute. I hope you have a great week.
Love, Kris
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