We had a really good visit with the pediatrician today. The best news is that the girls KPhos, calcium, and phosphorus levels are good and we can discontinue the TCP powder. Yay, no more medicine! We are continuing to fortify their breastmilk to 27 cal using formula (1.5 tsp/3 oz.), and they take a multivitamin with iron, but that's it for now. Other good news, today Holland weighed in at 10 lbs 8 oz, and Eden at 10 lbs 3 oz. We did try to feed them a lot over the past two days, but I am sure the difference from Wednesday has more to do with using two different scales than with actual weight gain. We have used their weights from the pediatrician's office since they came home (and we like them better), so we're sticking with them. Their doctor was satisfied with the weight gain, and says that it is okay for us to feed them when they are hungry, and let them sleep when they are tired. I feel so relieved that I don't have to try to force feed anymore! He says that it is not uncommon for babies to eat in spurts (corresponding to growth spurts), and that babies often go through a fussy eating stage around 4 months. So, I guess Eden will just eat when she feels she needs to.

I am so happy to hear that both girls are now in the 10 pound club. They look adorable in their pictures(as usual). I'm also happy to hear how well they are sleeping, now you need to make sure you get some rest. I Love you all so much and can't wait to see John's band next weekend (I'll be the groupie in the front with Billie!) Love Liz
I am so happy to hear that both girls are now in the 10 pound club. They look adorable in their pictures(as usual). I'm also happy to hear how well they are sleeping, now you need to make sure you get some rest. I Love you all so much and can't wait to see John's band next weekend (I'll be the groupie in the front with Billie!) Love Lizllie!) Love Liz
P.S. no wonder the girls are good sleepers, it's in their genes!!! Liz
Yey! i am glad to hear the good news. now that they are sleeping, you should be too. i am sure it's not easy to relax, but you need to. the girls know and appreciate the good rest just like we used to :) hope all is well. love you all.
p.s. did you get the little pakage i sent?
Mmmmm...there is nothing like a sleeping babe, so precious. I am so very glad to hear that they are both over the ten pound mark. I know that must be a relief for you guys. Now you can stop trying to trick poor Eden with all those different nipple sizes, not that she was falling for your tricks anyways. Much love, Jess
Lisa, We did get your package and we LOVE it! Thanks so much. I sent you an email...did you get it? Do I have the right email address?
i rarely check the hotmail account. my new one is msruby99@verizon.net. glad you liked! miss you.
Hey there.
Glad to hear the girls are gaining weight like crazy! :)
And they look sooo cute in those little hats and sweaters!
Isn't it WONDERFUL when your kids start sleeping so many hours????
I was so relieved when Kelsey started sleeping all the way through the night. (it took her a year, the little stinker!)
Now I've learned to go to bed as soon as I can after putting the girls to bed...it surely helps me get enough sleep. :)
I love you. Glad that you are encouraged.
The Wonder
So tiny, so fragile, so wondrous
Almost snuffed out
By the harshness of Life itself
Their breath, so light
Like the faintest touch
Of God’s hand
More beautiful than anything
Ever formed since
The beginning of time
Their fingers, toes
The smallest of noses
I am fascinated
I marvel at the miracle
Of their tiny lives
Amazing beyond belief
There is no treasure
No talent nor discovery
More precious
Every smile, every laugh
Every cry, every tear
Worth more than diamonds
The miraculous thought
Of them forming
Is incredible
Only God could make
These intricate, delicate lives
And I am in awe
This poem is dedicated and inspired by Holland and Eden,
Two of the most incredible miracles I have ever witnessed.
Written Saturday, February 26, 2005
By Kendra Roberts Lynn
They sure look comfy to me! I do imagine that the swaddling works, good idea! I can't wait to see them both, they are adorable Billie. Remember way back when you never thought you would never get any sleep? Good things come to those who wait....sweet dreams!
Love, Mamma Jules
Isn't amazing how you think you'll never get any sleep again and then suddenly the whole night is yours? That is just great. Enjoy, Kris
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