Looking at pictures of my girls, the casual observer might assume that Eden is "the happy one" and Holland is "the serious one." I feel the need to clarify, lest they be labelled for life, that this is not at all the case. The truth of the matter is that Eden in in love with the camera. Mostly she likes the red lights that flash when our camera is focusing, as well as the flash, and she has begun to anticipate them to the point that she gets the big cheesy grin as soon as we get the camera out. This is quite an endearing quality that Eden posseses, and makes it difficult to actually STOP taking pictures of her!

Holland is all smiles when we talk to her and smiles at Eden when we lay them facing one another. Her aquarium bouncer is also a big hit and gets many grins. She just seems to find the camera more puzzling than amusing. As soon as we get it out she sobers up and just stares at us like we are crazy. No amount of silliness can ellicit a smile when the camera is focused on her. We'll keep trying though, and will post her smiling face again as soon as we can get the shot. Until then, enjoy this picture of Holland wearing her designer patch.
AHHH! they are too cute. i love that edi-licious is such a camera ham! it makes me laugh to think of her so excited when she sees you getting the camera. and holland looks absolutely fab. in her patch. honestly, she could have mud smeared on her face and it would look cute. i love you guys. thanks for brightening my day.
You know what I think? I think that Eden is a doll and Holland is too! That patch is adorable...she's got a "mysterious" look to her. :) Eden has Nick's "mischevious" look down pat! They are both beautiful, and you are both doing a wonderful parenting job!
Love and prayers,
What CUTE kids!!! I notice Edie is on her tummy:) She can get a workout just trying to get to the camera! Holly is just a doll; she's just trying to figure life out. When I was there the other day she was trying so hard to talk to me but her polka dot blanket kept getting in her range of vision and she'd cross her eyes to study that dot so intently, until I could get her attention again and we'd talk some more until that hand brought the dot back, it was hilarious:-) She's a funny kid!
I love you guys, Kim
A picture page of all the pictures you've posted would be a awsome way for all of us to see how far the gilrs have come....
I think it's perfectly normal that the girls have totally different personalities. It's more interesting that way. Even if Holland was more serious, there's nothing wrong with that. The phrase "viva la difference" is certainly appropriate for these two. I enjoyed my sons being so different and you'll always enjoy the differences of these two. You are blessed. Connie Wilhoite
We love the pictures as always. Holland and Eden are both sooo cute! We can't wait to see them again in person, but I can't imagine they could be any cuter????
Amy and Rod
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