We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Last Christmas the girls on oxygen and still very small and fragile, so we stayed home away from the germy masses. This year we thought long and hard, but decided to take the girls out to all of the family parties. We went to my Mom's family party on the 17th, my Dad's family party on the 23rd, to my Grandma's house on Christmas Eve, to my Mom's on Christmas morning, and to John's family party on Christmas night. We kept them busy with a couple of missed naps and late bedtimes, but they loved every minute of it. I really think they are party girls in the making...just like their mama. They love to be out and about around lots of people. The more the merrier.

Santa came to our house on Christmas and the girls opened their stockings and a small gift early in the morning before we left for Nana's. Santa didn't spend a lot of money this year because he knew that Holland and Eden's families would go a little crazy buying gifts. He was right! The girls got TONS of new toys. They liked the wrapping paper, boxes, and tags most of all. Actually Christmas was just in time, because they were starting to get a little bit bored with the toys we had at home. Now it's time to clear out some of the old to make way for the new.

As much fun as we had spending time with our families, we are now paying the price... Both girls were sick today with a stomach bug. Diarrhea, vomiting, the whole deal. At least it's not respiratory. My nieces were sick before xmas with the same bug and it lasted for 24-48 hours, then they were fine. Funny thing is that they don't act a bit sick. They were up today playing, talking, and being their silly selves, then all of a sudden, SPLAT vomit everywhere. I'm not going to talk about the diarrhea in the bathtub because that's just gross. Everything has been cleaned and sanitized for today. Let's hope tomorrow goes a little smoother.

Here they are today. See what I mean? They don't look a bit sick. Just stand back because you don't know what might end up in your lap. Or down your shirt. Or in your hair. Or everywhere.
Ahhhh, the old baby vomit/poops! It makes me want to sing Memories...! Glad that you had an awesome Christmas and enjoyed all the festivities BEFORE the nasty tummy bugs arrived!
What a difference a year makes..
Big fat smooches and hugs all around!
Love, Mamma Jules
P.S. Should I send over Nurse Lisa to help out? hehehe!
Oh I'm so glad you all had a great christmas! I'm sure the girls got TONS of toys! I know mine did!
Sorry they are sick...hope they feel better soon.
I love the picture of your baby taking care of her baby. Merry Christmas and hope all feel better soon.
So glad you guys got out and about for the Holiday. The pictures are great and I too especially love the one of Eden so intently feeding her new baby. Much love to you all ! Happy New Year too! Love, Jess
I am so happy to hear you guys had a great Christmas. The girls looked beautiful in their dresses. Eventhough they got sick, atleast they got to enjoy a fun filled family Christmas!! And it sounds to me like your the one paying the price for their bugs since your on clean-up duty. See you all soon!! Luv Liz
That was so great you got to spend the holidays with family!
The girls look wonderful!
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