Oh boy, this is going to be fun! Over the past year and a half we have watched our blog viewership steadily climb from around 50 close family and friends, to often over 300 visitors per day. We are currently averaging around 250 unique visitors each day, with over 150 returning visitors, and nearly 100 new visitors from all over the US and across the world.
Through our blog we have developed some online friendships, and have gained and given a lot of support and encouragement to others out there who are on the preemie journey along with us. Keeping this journal of my girls' progress and development, and sharing my feelings, through the hard times and the good times, has been extremely therapeutic for me. I have found you all to be a really wonderful and supportive lot!
I am creating this post as a guestbook, and will link to it in the side panel, so as we get new visitors they can sign in too. So please, please, tell me who you are! Everyone! How are you connected to us? How did you find us? Why do you read? Where are you from? Are you just passing through, or have you been along for the ride?
My hope is to someday share your comments with H and E, so they will know what an inspiration their story is to all of us, and they will know how much they are loved!
Feel free to just leave your name if you're feeling a bit shy and don't want to leave a long post. Of course, I love the lengthy comments, but I really want everyone to participate, so even just a name would be fine! I know you are out there:)
1 – 200 of 366 Newer› Newest»Oh wow, thanks to Bloglines I am up first! I can't remember how I found your blog at first, it's been a while. I read a few others about families with twins, triplets, preemies, and infertility, and some regular mom blogs too. I'm the proud mom of 6 year old triplets who were born at 30 weeks. I have a deep sympathy for preemies and micropreemies and for their parents and caregivers.
Holland and Eden are so, so sweet, and have come along so far. They are precious miracles, and I love to read about their progress and see their pictures. And I enjoy your writing, Billie, about the difficult times and the happy times.
Wishing you all the best,
I am honored to be the first to sign in! it's me, lisa, your old (and getting older), dear friend. i have been here since the beginning and i check in daily. this site allows me to be close to you guys, as physically i am far away. cali is lovely, but i must admit it would be nice to be closer.
holland and eden are beautiful girls...they are special and amazing. they are an inspiration to me. they show us all what it means to be alive and kicking (and kicking it!). they remind me to fight the good fight, and do it with a smile. and to think, they aren't even 2...wow.
i can't even get started on how fantastic you and john are either. i am proud to be your friend. i miss you guys!
love, lisa
I found your blog via Zoot when she promoted your walk. I stayed (or returned or however you want to say it) because I am both a science nerd and a big old sap. :) I am just finishing nursing school and am intrigued to read about your personal experiences with all these conditions that heretofore did not have faces with them. I have gotten a job in a family services unit which encompasses labor, nursery, post-partum and pediatrics. So, your experience fits right in with my biggest interests in school. Reading about you and your girls has made me a more compassionate nurse.
Found this site through a link on another blog (not sure which) - the girls were about 6 months old at the time. I keep reading because i find your writing about micro-preemies, NICU etc fascinating - i have no children, no contact with infants or anything like that, yet i still find it interesting. I've loved seeing how the girls have progressed and wish them well.
(international reader here - Australian)
I am not sure how I found your site, I think I was looking through sites like this from the website and yours popped up. I have been reading for quite some time. I never heard of Micro Preemies until I read your website. I really enjoying learning about new things. Your girls are so cute. Wish you all the best and thanks for sharing
as most of the others said, i don't really remember how i came across your site. i think i was just clicking on link after link of different blogs and came across yours about 1 month ago. i'm now a faithful reader and i absolutely adore your girls. they are both so beautiful and i love when you update with pictures. i have always found multiple births amazing and i love reading your story. keep up your hard work. you seem to be an amazing mom!
I found your blog through Zoot as well when she hyped your walk. I started reading blogs at the beginning of my pregnancy to get more information about others' experiences, and my baby is now three days old :)
Hi, I've been a faithful reader for about a year now I think or almost that long. I found your blog when I was searching for any information on micropreemies and twins because I have 16 1/2 month old boy/girl twins that were born at 26 weeks. I found your blog somehow and have been hooked ever since.
I come to read because in many ways I can relate to what you are going through and also since your girls are a little older than my kids I can see some of what is ahead of me. I relate to you because you have twins and because your twins were micropreemies as were mine.
Also, it doesn't hurt that your girls are absolutely beautiful and I love the pictures you post of them. Eden has a special place in my heart because my son, CJ, had grade III and IV Intraventricular hemorages (sp?) and hydrocephalus and CP was and still is in the back of my mind a huge worry.
It is good for me to see how far they've come and remind me how far my two can go. Keep up the good work, you are helping more people than you can ever know.
Hi, My name is Jenny, I found your blog though another blog a couple of months ago. Since then I have read through your whole blog. I think that you show incredible stegnth through all of your complications, and the twins are lucky to have you as their mother.
Take care, Jenny (in Israel)
Came across your blog months ago when I started scouring the internet for people who had micro preemie multiples. We delivered our kids at 24 weeks. I have used your blog as a resource in what it takes to have these extra special kids ( so don't slack in blogging :) ).
Your posts have hit home when it comes to the good and bad of parenting these early gestational wonders.
You can read our story if you want at www.gottriplets.com.
Best of Luck
Hi! My name is Lauren and I found Holland and Eden's site through Kendra. From the minute I read your first few posts, my heart went out to all of you. Not only are Holland and Eden just wonderful, adorable little girls, you guys are such an example of what great parents can be. The two of you are amazing in all you do, the time and love, everything you have done for sweet Holland and Eden! You are such an inspiration to us all! :) One other reason I relate to the twin's story...I had about the same estimated due date as Billie did, so my son and the twins are the same (gestational?) age.
Please keep up the great work, you have a very a great site and the most wonderful, beautiful, sweet little girls. Take care!
Lauren :)
It's hard to remember where I first found your site - but I think it might have been through Tertia. After living through my son Ethan's NICU stay and medical complications, I'm drawn to stories about other children overcoming the odds.
As time went on I came to love your girls and their courage. Through therapies, the cochlear implant and a CP diagnosis, I am interested to see how you all - as a family - deal with the challenges life throws at you. Especially because, with Ethan's complications, we have experienced much of the same. While it's sad to see any child suffer, there is a true inspiration to their smiles and successes. It's always comforting to hear about other families and how they deal with things. Makes you feel so much less alone.
Hi, I found this through a link from another preemie blog. My s-i-l has preemies, and I love to hear about the adventures of Eden and Holland, also like your straight talking style. You're a great Mom and sometimes it must be a challenge, but keep blogging and therapising, (is that even a word)? lol
Can't remember how I found your blog, it's been such long ago. I have a link on my blog, Ever Changing Crusades, linking to yours. Also I get notified thru Feedblitz everytime you post something new, so I can stay up-to-date.
Your darling girls ALWAYS have wonderful SMILES in all the pics.It's a joy to see them.
My grd.g/g were born in July 2004 also.
Hi Billie and Fam -
I was told about your blog through Ruthanne at St. Joe. I first ran into you when you came back for a visit to the NICU. I think the girls were 8mths and my twins had just been born. I was intrigued by your family the second I saw the girls. When I inquired about you to Ruthanne (who had such great things to say) she gave me your blog site. I first read when the boys were in the NICU and was just amazed with your journey.
I lost your site for a while and then was given it again from some other NICU friends just months ago.
I have now created my own blog because I was inspired by you. I read every day and have back read everything. I hope to one day get to know you more in person.
I have been here since the begining and before. As Billie's mom I get to see what wonderful parents they really are. I get to experience the joys and sadness with them first hand. I also know that the girls are the greatest. Watching them grow, being their babysitter is one of the greatest blessings in my life. When I see where God has brought them from I am truly amazed and thankful! Love ya all Nana
Hello my dear. I check your blog everyday as part of my morning routine. I love to hear about your and the girls. It keeps me connected to you, despite our distance and busy lives. Your positive blogs brighten my day and your 'therapeutic' blogs remind me to get off my butt and be a better friend. Please know I Love you and think of you everyday.
-Sara Schultz-Mullins
Well, I'm not sure how I originally found your blog but I've been reading it for some time now. I'm a mom of 14 month old boy/girl twins who were born at 33 weeks. I really enjoy reading your entries. Your girls are so sweet and have come so far. I really enjoy reading about them and their progress! They are very lucky to have such a strong mom and dad to support them through their triumphs and their challenges! You are all an inspiration to me - thanks for sharing your lives with us!
Hi, I am the mom of a 1 year old 29 weeker. Two weeks before he was born, my friend had 27 week twins, so I am interested in reading about preemies and twins. You write so well and my friend is going through many of the same things you are with one twin having CP. Thank you for everything you write!
I found you through MissZoot. Once I started reading I sat and read through all the archives in one sitting. I think you have more strength than you realize and consider you (and your gorgeous girls) a personal inspiration. I'm from across the state and oddly enough, lived in Westland from birth to age 4. Small world, eh?
Keep the faith, honey, and realize we all lose it occasionally.
Hi Billie! I wanted to tell you Happy Mother's Day late only because we were in children's for the past week with Marley. Not how I wanted to spend my first Mother's Day, but being in the hospital and many, many visits to all of her specialists every week is our life. I hope you had a great day and I like what you did to your blog. Just look at the girls and you can tell your a great mom! I can relate how hard it is though. Marley and I want to come over and play, but we are just so busy with all of our appointments. I keep waiting for it to calm down. Love you guys, Heather,Jeremy and Marley
I'm also a regular reader, and like so many others, don't remember how I found you. I also have a special needs child, and at one time was trying to find other parents who had these challenges, so that could be how I stumbled upon your blog.
I really like how your daughters are still young, so they're doing so many new things all the time. That's really neat to observe. I know how each milestone is a hard-won victory, and I feel like I'm celebrating right along with you!
BTW, don't feel bad about venting on your blog. It really helps the rest of us understand your side. You can't be superwoman all the time--that would be unrealistic!
Wish you all the best!
I also don't remember how I found your blog, although it may have been through Tertia. I stayed around because you have wonderful writing and really made me care. Your girls are beautiful, and it's a joy seeing them grow up.
I found your site through Indigo Girls a little after the girls came home from the hospital. I was fascinated by the story of your beautiful daughters. I love coming and seeing new pictures and seeing how wonderful the girls are doing. Their beautiful faces and the love their mom and dad have are just exploding from this site! So I come back to see the girls and to hear about their adventures in life and watch them grow!
Your family has touched my heart and I will read as long as you will post!
Kate in PA
Let's see... I came here through a link from Indigo Girls. My sister has 19-month old boy/girl twins, so I'm always interested in stories about twins, and I myself have a 15-month old son. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop coming back for updates on your gorgeous, corageous little girls, not to mention hearing how both of you are doing also.
I'm glad you post about both the positive sides of parenting, as well as those truly difficult times you are going through. I wish it could be easier for you and I continue to be amazed at the progress the girls have made. My they have come far.
I check in everyday, several times a day... I'm Holland and Eden's favorite aunt:)
I found your blog through a friend's Blog that has you linked (Hamilton Family Circus). I have been reading for about a year and find you extremely inspirational. I was blessed with a son born at 38 weeks, but my sister had a daughter born at 32. Your Daughters are amazing and are extremely lucky to have you both as Parents.
I found you through the "next blog" link at the toop of Blogger blogs. Holland and Eden are just a week younger than my sweet little boy and I felt an instant kinship for the girls and you.
I'm hailing from South-Central Texas and I read whenever you update...
Kate here, from NYC, mom to Peter, 19 months old. I consider myself "along for the ride"; Holland and Eden were quite little when I first started reading. I found your blog from a comment you left on The Trixie Update, about pumping. I was looking ahead to pumping myself at the time, and the rest is history!
Hi!! I found your blog, from Ms. Zoot. But not when she promoted your walk, but when she linked to a picture of you kangarooing one of the girls. I saw that and I was hooked. I think they were already a year old, so I back tracked and read your whole blog and I now I check in everyday. I have a one year old son, and I think it is absolutly amazing how far they have come, they are beautiful girls and you can tell from the pictures they are so happy and loved. Keep up the good work, and keep blogging so we know how those little girls are doing. Wishing nothing but happiness. (I forgot, my name is Heather and I live in Ga.)
I don't remember how I found your blog but, from the first time I read, I was addicted. Your girls are beautiful and amazing. I am the mom of a 25 week preemie. She will be 1 next month. You have given me so much hope and inspiration. I do check in daily.
Lisa, from Georgia
I've been an avid reader for a while!! I enjoy reading and following your girls lives!! I think what you have accomplished and continue to do for your girls is amazing. I think Holland and Eden are very lucky to have you as a mother!!
I found your blog through Indio Girl's blogroll. I started reading blogs while on bedrest w/ my daughter, who is now 3. She was born 5 wks early due to pre-eclampsia.
I am not sure how I found your blog? It might have been from a comment you left on my blog.
I love love LOVE reading about your darling girls. I adore them so much. I also adore you. I think you are such a wonderfully honest, strong, real person.
It is sometimes hard to read what you write, but never too hard. I often think that if my little Ben had lived that I might be facing some of the issues you are facing with darling Eden. It makes me miss my boy, but it also makes me realize how incredibly strong you are. I know you don't always feel strong, but you are amazing.
I read through bloglines, so I will often read your posts without coming to your blog. Bloglines is a pain that way in that it affects your stats. You wont know that I have read your blog. I only click on the link to your site when you have photos or when I want to comment.
I love that you post so many photos. i could look at pics of them all day.
You are on my list of subscribed blogs on Bloglines so I can always see whenever you update.
Your girls are so lovely, as are you. I feel honoured to share your life through your blog.
Much love
Your daughters' future mother in law
(Adam says he wants both of them for a wife, that ok with you?)
Forgot to say that I am from Cape Town , South Africa!!!
I don't remember when I found your blog. I was just scrolling through random blogs, and clicking links of other blogs. I would bookmark the ones that looked interesting to go back and read the archives later. I remember being so impressed with your strength, and being amazed at how big the girls are, and how well they are doing, after having seen their birth pictures. I love your writing style, it just draws me in, so I keep coming back.
Amy from Louisiana here.
I found you when I had preemie twins that went through lengthy NICU stay (one of them anyway)and was looking for stories about others so maybe I could educate myself and find some support. I went back and read all the archives and I kept (keep) coming back because I think you are an amazing, strong woman and a fabulous mother. And I appreciate your honesty. I love seeing the pictures of H&E, too, and the one at the bottom of today's post took my breath away. They have always been beautiful, haven't they?
Found your site by linking, I have been reading since then. Your family is truly amazing your girls are beautiful, sending our best wishes
I don't remember how I found you either, but I've been reading since Holland and Eden were very young. Due to reading your blog (and a couple of other preemie blogs) I have been inspired to do the Walk of America walk for the past two years. I always love reading new posts. I wish you and your family all the best.
Well, where shall I begin...I am connected to you, Billie, because you were the very first person to talk to me on my first day of fifth grade at a new school. I've been hooked (as they say) ever since. It's hard to believe that it has been 20 years since then. I've only known Lis (your "older" friend) longer. So, needless to say I have been along for the whole ride, and plan to be along for the rest of the journey as well. I read because I love you, John and the girls so very much. As Lisa said, I too am so proud to be your friend and so very proud to know your daughters. We all love and miss you dearly!!!! Jessie and "the boys" - Alaska (for now :)
I have no idea how I found your blog but read it almost daily. Your daughters are beautiful and dynamic and their story is very compelling. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Take care, Hanna in Los Angeles
Well, this is Irene, Tom & Ptreston. Even though we are not in MI anymore but I am still go on the computer everyday to check on the girls. We'll move in our new housse the June 3. Have you been to Laura & Jason's house yet??? I am happy that they bought our house. You guys are family to us. Come to visit us in July when you are in TX.
Hope to see you soon!!
Irene, Tom & Preston
I am a nurse from a NICU in Illinois, and one day I was searching for information on micro preemies to share with the mom of a 1 lb 3 oz baby when I stumbled across your website. I have only been following it for a couple of months but I did go through and read all of the other posts. It is so wonderful to see and hear the parents side of things. Reading your blog has really changed how I act with the parents of my patients. Your girls are absolutely darling, and it's wonderful to see them growing and learning. In the NICU we generally don't see our patients after they leave the hospital and it leaves us wondering how they are doing. Holland and Eden have a wonderful family and story, thanks for sharing it with me!
I found your blog by googling "micropreemie" and I immediately loved it. Right after my 25 weeker came home, your site and Odin's really helped anchor me and made me feel hopeful and not alone.
Now it is 18 or so months later and I'm hooked! I just love seeing their cute pictures and how they are dressed and what they are doing and I even check out their toys in the photos! You really do have such neat things and are inspirational and upbeat (even positive people have off days or it would be insincere..,).
I am also a school psych but now stay at home with my little one (and a nanny, for respite- we need breaks. Micropreemie parenting is mentally exhausting)!
She does all the therapies (PT 3x week, OT 2x week, speech once) and fun classes too, so its a lot harder in ways than being at work. She also wears orthotics for balance. I'm very grateful for my career background (as I''m sure you are) because it helps guide progress accurately and keep me informed. It is a blessing.
As of now, my kid is estimated to be fully caught up with everything in 6-8 months and it has been a RIDE. After all that has happened with a PDA, double hernia, etc., I'll breathe when its truly over. Either way, I think I have learned to love better and deeper than I would have had she been a normal birth. It really has made me a better parent and person.
Someone once told me that its not just my story, its hers, and that I have to remember that I can just be a container and support for this to be the basis on who she becomes. We're foundations for the extraordinary, if you think about it.
I live in Los Angeles, I used to be a typical stereotype (I guess), and this experience changed all that, for the better. Don't you just love even more? -E
I started reading your blog when John shared it at work. I've been following the girls since just after they were born. I love to see how well they are doing. I love to see all of the beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Cheri M.
*waves* Mom to micropreemie twins, got the site from a fellow micropreemie mom, and still check in once in a while even though my twins passed away . I love to reed about your little miracles, and I think Eden and Holland are just precious. :)
Hi!!! I'm Maggie. I'm the mom to a 15 month old 24 weeker named Sarah. I found your blog about a week ago since it's a link to Halle's website. Halle's mom and I frequent a preemie board on another site and I've been reading her blog for a month or so. So I decided to get into the blogging world about a week ago.
Your girls are beautiful!!!! What little miracles.
Maggie (from CT)
I found you through Cyrus and Collin's blog- I went to high school with their mom. :) I have absolutely loved keeping up with the girls and seeing their progress. They are so precious.
I also love your writing, Billie. I love the fact that just when I'm about to decide you're a supermom, you get real and spill your guts. I want to have you over for coffee or something and let our girls all play together. You are really an amazing person.
(okay, do I sound a little cheesy and stalker-ish? don't mean to.) :)
Billie, Bobbie from Texas here, checking on E & H daily. I, too, have micro preemie twins. I can relate to so much that you go through and talk about. I am hooked to reading your blog, i sure hope there arent any plans to stop it within the next several years! You seem to do an amazing job as their mother. You can feel the love for them through your writings.You are an inspiration to many. My class use to keep up with the "twin girls" as they would call them , until our school banned all blog use! Oops, I take full responsibilty for that one!! You seem to post the most awesome picture! I can wait to see E & H grow up, via internet!
I don't remember exactly how I found your blog...but I remember waiting eagerly for updates and hoping that the girls were doing fine. I have kept up my visits to the site and often check on the girls progress....not sure how often I've noted...if ever reallly....I do however read and keep track of what ever it is you're updating that day :)
I'm in California....we're currently pregnant....which you already know because you left me a note today :)
I'm just a grandma in NV. I found your site through the link you left on Trixie's site. I check daily for your updates and pictures. You've been through so much but the rewards are in the smiles on the girls' faces! God bless all of you!
I am not really sure how I found your website. I too had a micropreemie last november and I am sure in my search of finding all the information I could, I am across your two beautiful daughters. I have been tracking them for only a short while but continue to look for updates often. Like I said, I am a mother of a micropreemie too (24-weeker, Jack Matthew). I am from Fort Wayne, IN. Good Luck to you all and again, your daughters are gorgeous. They get cuter and cuter with every picture you post. They look like they are full of energy and keep you on your toes.
Best of Luck
Lindsay Bowling
I honestly don't remember how I came across your blog. I know I linked over from one of the many I read on a daily basis, just can't remember whose. I've been reading for maybe a month or two. The whole preemie thing is what piqued my interest. My firstborn was 8 weeks early. Although I think preemie moms share a kind of bond, I also know it's a whole different story for each depending on how early your baby was born. Those 6 weeks Emily spent in the hospital were torture - a cruel entry into parenthood as I often referred to it. It was the most painful time of my life. But I also know how lucky we were. For being so tiny (2 lbs 15 oz at 32 weeks - IUGR) she was actually a lot bigger than a lot of the other babies we saw in the NICU on a daily basis. And although we had our scares, she was relatively healthy for having been born so early. I saw and learned a lot during my time in the NICU. I met a mom of twins who ended up losing one. I befriended a mom whose baby was born at 27 weeks and just when things started to look up he'd take a turn for the worst. I met another mom whose twin boys were born at 30 weeks and even though she had been there longer than we were, she seemed to handle it much better than I did. I know I can't compare my experience with my 32-weeker to your experience with your girls. But I admire the way you've dealt with it. I suppose you have no choice but to keep going, and looking at those gorgeous little faces every day I'm sure makes it a little easier than it seems, but being a parent is hard enough not having to watch your babies struggle to do what so many of us take for granted. From what I can tell you're a tough girl, and a great mommy. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing each new picture you post of your adorable girls.
I began reading your story during the planning of the reunion. So I have been following it for quite a while now. I check in nearly everyday to see if there is a new posting. Holland and Eden, your family, and your story are all truly amazing to me. I admire all of you. I look forward to reading about your girls and every new picture brightens my day. Holland and Eden are certainly superstars in my book!
Jennifer Waddell
Bill, for us it started all the way back in Kindergarten and we've been friends since thru thick and thin. I love you as a sister and John is as the two of us put it "my best guy friend". Eric and I have spent so many of our happiest/funnest times with the two of you. I have has the gift of watching you blossom into the most amazing of mom's. Your girls are a beautiful reflection of the people you and John have become. And to Holland and Eden I feel truly blessed to be a part you two very special girls lives. I look so forward two watching the two of you become as beautiful, strong, and happy as your mommy. You have already overcome so much and your smiles say it all. We Luv you all Liz & Eric. P.S. as you know Bill I am addicted and check the website many times a day!!
I have known you, Billie, for such a long time. :) I don't even remember out first time meeting! You and your family have always held a special place in my heart, and when the girls were born, I started keeping up with them by reading your blog.
I'm so glad you find writing a successful therapy. I think it helps to be able to put your feelings out there, and know that there are friends who love and care about you and what you are going through.
May God bless and keep you and yours.
Remember, I am praying for you all.
Kendra Roberts Lynn
I've been reading since just before the girls turned 1. I found you through Indigo Girl.
Holland and Eden are adorable, and it's been great to see them grow.
Like Jennifer I've been checking the BLOG daily since you posted about Holland & Eden on the reunion website. I've known you since Kindergarten, I enjoy watching the girls grow up in pictures-
Kacy- Westland MI
Mamma Jules here!
I guess you can say, "I knew you when."! Watching you and the other "girlies" grow up and into the beautiful women you are today. When the drama of middle/high school was riding as high and wild as the "Hair Posse's Hair"!
There are many times that I tear up thinking back on those days...and there are times that I wonder how I survived the whole lot of you!! So Holland and Eden, when you are about 12 or 13....come see me, and I will share some of those stories!
I am very proud to know that my daughter has surrounded herself with such wonderful, loving people, who never cease to amaze me with their strength, courage and determination to be the best parents possible. I feel blessed to be part of this journey with all of you.
Love and many Big Smooches.....
Mamma "Jules"
Hi there, I'm Fiona's mom :) and I think you found Fiona's site first and signed our guestbook. Beside being micro-preemies, our girls are about the same age and Fiona and Eden have a Cochlear Implant. I thought I had it tough with one micropreemie to handle until I started reading your blog and your life with 2! you are a super mom to me :)
Keep up the blogging, I love reading your posts!
Fiona's mom in Oklahoma, USA.
I can't even remember how I got here the first time. Linked from somewhere, I'm sure.
I got hooked by the pictures - Eden and Holland are such beautiful, vibrant little girls. It's especially amazing to see how far they've come since those first days. Your story is very inspiring to me.
I found you through so close. I have been reading for a few months now. I have read every entry. I love seeing pictures of the girls.
I don't remember how I found your blog, but I've been reading for almost a year. I'm the mom of a 32 weeker who is now six years old. I enjoy reading about the progress of other preemies. Go Holly and Edie!
You found my blog about my micropreemie daughter, Darsie, who is also dealing with cerebral palsy. You made a comment on my site and I emailed you back. I've been checking in on the girls ever since. In fact, my site gets a lot of visits from your site. Thanks!
Hi Billie, it's Nancy Roddy. I've been reading the website since that first home visit we did when the girls were 10 months old. It has been a joy to work with you and the girls. Mary Jo, Kathy and I have found your website helpful in planning for our home visits. It's been beneficial for us to know if things have been difficult or if there's been good news. We love the girls and have all been soooooo please with the progress Eden is making. Have a great summer and we'll see you in the fall. I can't wait to see what Eden's doing in September!!
Holland and Eden,
I'm happy to say that I have been following your "story" since way back when I met your mom at WSU. When your mom was pregnant, I remember us WSU girls meeeting for lunch and wondering if there were two babies in that big belly of hers! Hopefully, I will get to spend more time with you in the future, but for now this blog allows me to watch you grow up. Many people say that your mom has many good friends, but it is better said that your mom is a good friend to many people. You are very lucky to have such great parents. Amy in IL.
One night after a long day in the early part of Halle's NICU stay, I searched "micro preemie" and your blog popped up. It was such a relief to see Holland and Eden smiling and thriving at home. Halle's skin was still thin and red and bruised. I wondered if she'd ever look like a normal baby. The pictures of H&E and your journaling gave me hope (and continue to do so today!). I still check in daily for my Holland and Eden "fix!"
mom to Halle Grace, 23wks+5days
I found your blog through Tertia's, I think.
I love to read about your girls.
My friend had a micropreemie at 24wks 1 day and I have a special place in my heart for all the preemies and their families. I live in Canada.
I found your blog on a twins preemie discussion board, I do not remember where. You were the first I heard use the term "micropreemie" and I now use that for my 25 weeker boys.
I am so thankful to be able to keep up with you, Holland and Eden, and the very first time I read your site I felt so many times like I was reading my own story. I love keeping up with the girls and all my family know about you too, because I talk about y'all like I know you!
Kelly, Collin & Cyrus
My daughter, CheriM, works with John. I have been watching your beautiful daughters grow since they were very very tiny. I would check on their progress daily that first year. I continue to drop in a couple times each week. Even if there is no new news, the pictures bring a smile to my face.
I'm a dedicated lurker who can't rcall how she found you. I think maybe Julie at A Little Pregnant might have linked to you at some point and that may be how I got here.
Regardless of that....I return again and again. I come here nearly every day. I come because I am inspired by your courage, awed by Holly and Eden's will to live and thrive, and addicted to Eden's sunny smile :)
Thank you for sharing their stories and journeys.
I'm not sure how I found your site, but I check it practically everyday. My husband and I are still at the beginning of our journey. My daughter, Alicia, was born at 24 weeks gestation on April 8th, 2006. I have found that reading other people's journeys is truly comforting. Many of the other blogs I read have commented here. I hope that one day we can all meet bc I feel a bond with many of you.
Holland and Eden are beautiful and precious.
God bless you all!
Hi Billie,
I found out about your blog from my mom, Karen Avey, and I first started reading your blog when the girls were a little over a month old. I have since checked your blog daily for new pictures and updates.
I am going to Wayne State University for undergrad and hopefully for med school as well; I want to become a neonatologist. So, naturally I am interested in anything that deals with prematurity and neonatology.
I love reading about Holland and Eden's progress and I absolutely adore the pictures of them. They are two of the luckiest (and most adorable) girls I know. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey.
I've known your family for 15 years and all of you are precious to me. Each addition to your family has just given me one more to love. You remain in my prayers. Connie Wilhoite
I stopped by here a month or so ago totally by accident. I started reading a little about the girls and then I was just amazed and had to read all through the archives! I have no children and so I have no idea what you are going through but I am so amazed by what I have read. You are an extremely strong family!
Now I just check in once in a while to see how Holland and Eden are doing.
Hi there! My name is Melissa. My husband, Aaron and I have two sets of twins, ages 6 and 4. We have been down the NICU road twice now, and both times were struggles. I have been a NICU nurse for 13 years, yet, when our girls were there, I felt as if I knew nothing.
I am thankful everyday that there are others out there who KNOW what it is to have a child (children) so near death, and live. Thank you Billie for all your love, hope, and strength. Your daughters are amazing!! Here is to many happy years!
hi, My names Lisa I live in Ohio. I'm not sure how I found you exactly but I rememebr being really drawn in by your story. I'm 22 yrs old and I wear a Cochlear Implant so it's also very interesting for me to read about your girl with hers. Holland and Eden are beautiful babies and I love being able to see their pictures and read about them!
Hi! My name is Sam, and I found your site by googling micropreemie blogs. I keep a blog for my baby David, who was also born a micropreemie (26w,6d gestation, 1lb, 4oz) and I love to hear sucess stories about other micropreemies and their parents who have been through what I am going through.
I found your blog a year ago after my best friend delivered micro-preemies twins in March 2005. I found the site via a link on a chat board when looking up terms about their condition.
I was trying to learn everything I could so I could help my friend. I started reading from the start of your blog (July 2004) and it helped a lot because you were months ahead of where my friends and their little ones were – it gave me crystal ball on some of the possibilities. Your strength and story have really given me hope. This in turn has helped me support my friend when she needed it most.
In the meantime I just had to keep coming back to your blog because your girls got into my heart – they are so adorable! I come by every week and check to see how things are going. It’s very inspirational and when I say prayers I always include you all. It must be strange for you to read that but it’s true – we’ve never met but I do care about you and your family!
Billie, you write in a manner that anyone could identify with and I especially admire your ability to tell it like it is - and still keep you sense of humor and joy! Thank you for sharing and trusting us with your story.
All the best -
Like many of the others, I have no idea how I found your blog.
Your girls are beautiful and I love the photos.
I have completely different problems in my own life, but I'm inspired by your strength.
I stumbled across your blog when I was furiously searching for information on micropreemies. My friend gave birth 12 days ago to twin boys, Asher and Jacob. They were 24 weeks 3 days gestation just like your precious little girls. I have found your site to be full of hope for me and have even placed you as a link on my friend's site when I created it, so when she or others need to be encouraged along this journey can click on it and read your story. Keeping your family in my prayers and thank you so much for sharing your story!
I found your blog about a month or so ago when Tertia did her blog-roll list of her readers. At the time, I was 10 weeks pg (give or take a little) and had just been told they're classifying me as "high risk" due to an increased chance for preterm labor because of prior uterine surgeries, etc.
For whatever reasons, I decided to click the link to your blog. I wasn't sure, given my status, if it would upset me or not, but I had to see just what a "micropreemie" is and what I could possibly end up facing.
Over the course of a couple days, I went back to the beginning of your story and read every single entry. Some with smiles, some with tears. And now I check back regularly as I have grown to love your precious little girls. You all have given me hope in the event my little one decides to come early (16 weeks and going strong!).
Of course, I pray it doesn't come to that for us, but your story of survival and seeing the smiling faces of your happy girls reminds me that preemies can and do have wonderful outcomes. You've calmed my fears and are a real inspiration.
Indiana, USA
Hi, My name is Beth and I have twin boys, Lucas and Austin born at 25 wks, 2 days gest. I can't remember either how I found your blog. Probably from one link leading to another...Holland and Eden are beautiful girls! :)
Beth www.jeffandbeth.ca
I found your blog a couple of months ago, searching for info on micro preemies as I have a son who is a 23 weeker. Your beautiful girls got me hooked Eden has a very special place in my heart.
Wishing you all the best,
Australian reader here. I have only recently found your site, and I think it was through Tertia's blog list (looking to see where my own blog was on the list!). Something about your description spoke to me and I had to look you up and have been checking in ever since. I am currently pregnant with my first baby and I guess I have been thinking of how I would cope if my child needed extra loving care, like your adorable Eden. Just reading about your journey (yep, when I discovered your site I spent the entire day at work reading all of your previous posts) gives me the hope and strength to know that whatever is passed our way, we do cope because we have to. Some days are harder than others, and other days are simply joyous.
While there is nothing at this stage to indicate there might be anything to worry about, my partner is paranoid that she will not cope with a special baby. I have every confidence that we will, and if it comes to it, I will show her your site for inspiration. For now, I will continue to follow your story and that of your beautiful girls. Thank you for sharing so much of your thoughts, feelings and experiences. M
I love your blog and found it through Tertia.
I'm from Canada and am the mother of 11 year old boy/girl twins.
They were born at 35 weeks and were 6 lbs each. I know the challenges of raising twins and I can only imagine the challenges you face on a daily basis.
Your girls are beautiful and you are excellent parents.
Please, keep posting - we love it!
Hi! I found your blog when Zoot mentioned you some months back, and I've really enjoyed it. I went back and read all the archives, and I check back every couple weeks to see how the girls are progressing. Your story is really inspirational to me, and I think you're a great Mom!
Dallas, TX
Back in the summer of 2004, I was looking at other peoples' blogs at random and found yours just by chance. Holland and Eden were just a few weeks old. I kept checking back to see how they were doing, and I've been coming back ever since. Your love and care is evident in every picture, every smile. They are such sweet girls, and it's heartwarming to see them grow.
I work with John. I have to thank you for this blog, it has been excellent for keeping those of us that are interested in the progress that Holland and Eden have made and are making. It is wonderful to see the blessings they are! I will continue to keep the entire family in my prayers.
Steven Bee
My name is Heather. I stumbled upon your blog when I was new to blogger and was just clicking through next blog, next blog. I have been reading for 9 months or so. I keep reading because I am facinated by your girls and the strength they (and you) have shown throughout all of this.
I'm not sure if this is going to work, but here goes....My name is Debbie and I work at the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. I used to work with your Aunt Kathy. I'll never forget the day she came into work and told us that Holland and Eden were born. Everyday we would ask about them and then she told us about this website. So I'm one of the ones that log on to see whats been going on with them. They both are beautiful girls and have great parents. We all miss your Aunt Kathy here at work, she always had somethng funny to say everyday. Keep fillng us in on your life........Thanks for sharing!!!!!
Billie, Since I work with you, I knew about the blog very early on. Many of us at work read your postings daily. Personally, I am so proud of what a wonderful mother you are, your girls are so lucky to have such a great mom. I love reading about the girls and their darling personalities, and the pictures are just great. As I read your blog I often cry with you when you are going through difficult times. I think you are a special person and an inspiration to so many who are going through similar situations. Wish you, John, Holly and Eden all the best, and I am here if you need me.
Hi Billie,
I'm not really sure how I stumbled onto your blog...it's just one of those things that happens, I guess!
I have a four-year-old and an eight-month-old, and have really enjoyed reading your blog.
You're doing such a great job with your beautiful girls and reading about the hardships that you guys endure makes me reassess what a "hard day" in our house really could be.
Keep posting!
Hi, Billie!
I have no idea how I originally found you... probably a link from another preemie blog, but now I keep tabs on you through the PreemieBlogMoms yahoo group. I am (slowly) working my way through your archives and hope to finish reading your blog before the girls go to college :) I love your writing, pictures, honesty and outlook on life, so I'm just going to keep on reading!
I found your blog through Tertia's blog I think. I have not had time to read through everything but so far have found it fascinating reading. I love the photos. My daughter was a special needs baby (she had Jacobsen Syndrome) and through my support group I met quite a few amazing families and their special children. Unfortunately I am no longer part of that special needs world as an active mom, my daughter passed away in March, but I still have a keen interest in these children. If you ever visit South Africa I would love to meet you and your family. I am from Cape Town.
Well what do you know… I was able to figure it out. Holland and Eden are precious girls and I enjoyed viewing the many smiles in the photos. Your family has tremendous courage and strength and I will continue to follow their progress. Many prayers for you family.
Billie, I found your blog (or you found mine?) not sure how....
I've laughed, cried along with you as I've shared in so many similar feelings you have. My sorrow is different, as I lost one of my twins, there's never a day that I don't think of her.
You are an amazingly strong young woman and I hope that we and our preemies can meet each other some day (maybe soon while you are in Nor Cal!).
Maybe I was googling "micropreemies" or maybe I was looking to see who listed Tori Amos as an interest on blogger.com. In any case, I have been interested to learn of your story to see what we might be going through next with our 26-weeker, 370 gram-er (now 14 months.)
It's been a long time.
Stephanie, Florin's mom
Hi Billie!
I'm your neighbor with twins from the PCMOM club. Just thought I'd drop in and say 'Hi'. Your girls are truelly beautiful and I love the pics and info! Have fun in Cali...get some rest! --Cybill
Hi there!
As the mum of a preemie myself, I just wanted to say well done! Cool blog. I found your blog from the dmoz directory when i was looking for some stuff on preemies.
Take care
I've been reading your blog for just a few days now - found it through another mommy's journal.
I'll keep reading (if my 6 month old daughter ever naps and lets me get a break! hehe!)
I just wanted to tell you I ran across this site looking for micro preemie clothes. Me and my sister in law were pregnant at the same time she was a month ahead of me and she was pregnant with triplets and i was pregnant with one. I went into labor on easter sunday 2006, they prolonged it for 6 days and i gave birth at 24 weeks and 3 days like you and my sister in law followed the pattern 2 weeks later on cinco de mayo may 5. she has two beautiful girls and a handsome boy she will be taking the two home this weekend and the other they arent sure when. My daughter is now 5weeks old and is becoming such a character but i know the feeling of having a preemie and it is hard because it is a roller coaster ride, one day is great and the next is difficult. It feels like I don't sleep and I run on fumes. I am glad to hear that your little ones are doing well. i live in florida and my name is Tamara my daughter's name is summer-leigh marie and she has a care page if you want any info on her story I update her progress everyday. the web site is called carepages.com and its free to sign up and takes two seconds. her page is summerbowman! goodluck and best of wishes
Tamara and Summer:)
I think I've been friends with you since our 7th grade band class, and John from way back when as well. (Probably math class). I always enjoy our time together, possibly even more so since the girls have arrived. As hard as parenting is, I think this is one of my favorite phases so far in life. I can't tell you how much I've learned from your family and am thankful that you are open and honest with the good and the bad. The blog is great way to check in. I do look forward to Julian getting to know you two and the girls. We have soo many good times ahead of us! Many hugs and kisses, Donna
I catch up with the girls' progress about every two weeks. I became close friends with Billie the first time we met--at Freshman orientation--Go Chips! You and John changed my life in so many ways, and I love to follow the story of your girls. I wish we lived closer and our girls could get to know each other. I am so proud of you both, you are great parents and your website is helping so many people! Love, Mandy (in CO)
I found your blog shortly after the girls were born while looking for fellow bloggers from Michigan. I fell in love with your girls and find myself checking your blog once a day to see if there are any new updates! Your girls are adorable and I wish you the best!
Hi, my name is Jill and I've been reading you since the girls were born. I found your blog through someone on Opendiary who linked to it. I visit pretty often - so often, your URL is rarely out of my drop-down menu! :) I have a 21-month old son named Jameson who was full-term. He loves looking at pictures of the girls, he'll smile and touch the screen when I visit your blog. Your lives fascinate me but also make me sad sometimes when I see all the hard things you guys have to go through. It is so worth it though to see those two precious smiles. You are an amazing mommy, in fact, both of you are amazing parents. I can tell, even though I've never met you and probably never will. Keep on doing what you're doing, because you're doing it RIGHT! :)
Hi Billie,John,Holly,Eden
Even though we're in Ohio we feel really close because of u'r website! We admire with all our hearts for how strong you all have been! Kids grow up so fast enjoy the times when they are young. Before you know it they'll be teenagers and all they'll want to do is be with their friends. We should know we have 4 teenagers now!! We all wish you the very best. You both are great parents so keep up the great work!!
Lotz of Luv, Jessie,Lisa,Dylan,Justin,Elizabeth,& Briana
(p.s)Thanks Billie for showing us how to post on blogger :)
Hi Billie -
Janie R sent me the link to your blog soon after the twins were born. I'm amazed at the strength and courage you've shown as the challenges mounted. You just powered on and with impressive determination, overcame each thing, one at a time. No hesitation. My webpage bookmark is at work so this is where I usually read. For quite a while, I checked in at least once a week to read about the progress, but as work gets crazier, I haven't been able to check in quite as much. One thing is for sure - no matter when I'm able to read - I will always be amazed!!
Take Care,
Hi Billie, John and Family,
Well, I guess I am a lurker, too. I got your site from Shannon Smith (Yard) right after the girls were born and although I check in fairly regularly, I don't usually comment. I am amazed by your girls. I cannot imagine the fears that you went through at the beginning of their lives and the frustration you feel still at times, but I think that your wonderful and nurturing parents. I teach 3rd grade bilingual students and I always say that the fact that English is not their native language makes many things "just that much" harder, but also makes it "that much" more exciting when we make a break through. I think of your girls often in the same respect, especially Eden. No parent ever wants life to be any harder for their child than it is for anyone else. I think that you are doing a great job, but I am sure that that is the part that weighs on your mind. When I read through your blogs I can see how lucky the girls are to have so much support and love and it does make me believe even more that everything happens for a reason. You were chosen to have these girls because you are the very best parents that they could have. You do not give up and they will learn from your example.
O.k. Just realized how sappy and preachy I sound, but since I don't usually post I have had alot of thoughts building up!!!!
Julie Williams (Balge)
Well I probably don't have to tell you where I came from, you probably remember it better than me! As you can tell I haven't been on the computer for a while, and I do think that I have only commented 2 or 3 times. But, I do want you ALL to know that I love you. Billie - I couldn't ask for a better sister, just like those girls couldn't ask for a better mom. I know from experience that you will teach them to be good people, all they need to do is watch you! You have always been a good example to me. Now you are a great example of what a parent should be like, so you are still teaching me stuff!
I love you guys-
Nothing I write or say can add to the love and sacrifice you have already given your daughters. Your choices, your dedications, your very lives are testimony to the love you have for your beautiful girls. I am continually amazed by your strength and ability to overcome every obstacle placed in your path. Thank you for sharing every precious moment with me. Smiling and weeping along with you is an extraordinary journey and honor.
What beautiful little girls you have! Their personalities sure shine thru in their photos, which are adorable.
I have no idea how I first found the link to your site...thru one site, then another, and so on. But now, I will be checking in on your girls faithfully!
Take care! Thanks for sharing your story.
I have been reading your site since before the girls came home from the hospital. I can't remember whose link I followed but following your life and the life of your girls has touched me in so many ways.
Hello...I have twins too...Wes & Obe turned two in May...I came across your blog about a year ago...I know first hand how hard it is to deal with two babies at once, but you do an amazing job with the girls and meeting all their needs. The girls are blessed to have a wonderful and supermom like you Billie...
I found your blog by doing a 'micro preemie' search. I have b/g twins, born at 28 weeks and each weighed less than 2 lbs. I love reading other blogs and cheering for all the tough, tiny babies who have defied the odds!
Kristina, mom to 28 weekers, Hannah & Kristian
I found your site through Tertia. I really enjoy reading about your family and how you are all progressing. Good luck - I enjoy checking back in.
Katherine in GA
I don't remember how I found your site, but your girls and yourself are amazing. Friends of mine are twins and both have cp. They are now 25 and graduating from university. I enjoy checking back in with your blog and reading of their progress.
I also no longer remember how I found you. I remember that I was partially attracted by your home in Michigan; I used to live somewhat near you. And I'm an OT, so reading about the girl's development from such a difficult start is professionally and personally interesting. On a personal level, I love watch such strength in such little girls!
God Bless.
I just came across your blog the other night and was compelled to read your entire archives. I must say I am amazed at your strength and courage. You face each day with such compassion, even through the tough times. I am inspired to look at my own girls and appreciate each minute with them as a blessing. Thanks so much,
Billie & John-
I've known you guys since college and check on the girls every 2 weeks or so. It's amazing to see the progress they have made. I first learned of the blog from you.
Jimmie (Indianapolis)
I found your blog through a link in someone else's blog. I'm what you'd call "a regular Mom," I guess. Not that our baby didn't come without it's own little scare. He's almost 11 wks now and a real gift. Holland and Eden have amazing stories and they are just beautiful. Hope to catch up on them more but thought I'd better sign in while the babe is being quiet.
Alright, fine! Since you promised a cherry on top...I've read every single thing you've posted and most of the comments posted by others. My immediate fam, and most of my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. do also.
Since John never wants to hang out with me anymore *sniff sniff* it's my only way to find out what's going on with you guys. I'll have you know that Cecilia - now 6 mo. old! - is anxious to hang out with Holland and Eden.
Keep up the good work, all 4 of you!
Hey..I read everything that you write but never comment! But I guess I should really sign your guestbook! I also know of a few readers in my very own family that read everything but never comment - (you know who you are)...
Anyways, I love this blog because I can see what is going on with your family every week. And since I miss you SOOOO much and live SOOOO far, I am glad I can keep in touch with you! You are doing such a GREAT job!! love, kristin
Okay, well since my sister "out-ed" me I suppose I should sign the guestbook too! I'm Kristin's sister, Lisa, and I also read everything you write. I admire you a lot. You do a great job with the blog and seem as though you do an even better job as a mother.
A friend of mine in real life pointed me to your blog. Twenty-three years ago, she had a baby who was 1 1/2lbs when he was born. He's got CP issues now too.
How does one access your achives?
Oh I forgot to add that 23 years ago, I had a baby born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. He was in NICU for 10 days, then in and out of the hospital for the 3 1/2 months that he lived.
I wrote poems. Click on my name if interested.
Hi. I found your blog through surfing from one blog to the next - I first visited a few months ago and come back every now and then. Your story is very inspiring and moving and I love to see the progress that the girls are making.
I came across your site when I was doing research for preemie babies, and found your wonderful and informative website. I, too had preemie twins which were born at 25 weeks. They definitely had a lot of scary things to go through in the beginning and spent nearly 4 months in the hospital. They are now almost 10 months old and we cherish everyday with them. Our only big concern is getting them fattened up and trying to get enough formula into them. (they hate to eat most days).
I just wanted to thank you for being so candid and postive about your girls. They are so blessed to have a loving mom like you!
Hi Billie, I have'nt read to many of your storys yet, but I have looked at some of the pictures of your beautiful children. I got your website from Keri, I am really happy to have met you, and I had a great time at the girls night out. It would be fun to meet your family, my kids would love yours I am sure.
Michelle Payne
Hi Billie. I visit your blog on a regular basis. I always like reading up on the girls. It's nice to hear new ideas and share experiences.
mom to Julia - 27 weeker
Hi Billie, I found your blog through Tertia. I don't follow many blogs on children since I have gone the whole infertility route as far as possible for us financially and emotionally including losses but when I came across the story of Holland and Eden they stole my heart. Your babies are true miracles and you are such an inspiration. I love to read their progress and watch them grow. It is great to finally comment, I was never really sure if I should or not. Your love for your girls is so obvious with each post you write and the pictures are just beautiful. Thank you for sharing Holland and Eden with us.
Hi Billie, John, and girls
hope you guys are doing well.I can not believe how big they are getting. MIke and I need to come over and bring Alex and Emma so that they can see them in person and not just picture on the computer.
Hi it's Alex.I read your web page with Barb.I'm glad your doing fine.I'm also glad the twins are doing fine.I watch a lot of shows about troubled families.Like Six Pack.I've seen how it is to have twins and more than just twins,6 twins.I can't wait till I come over to see them.Barb always checks up on them.I always hear Barb talk about the twins.It's so happy to see them doing so in there well conditions.
Hpoe you do well,
Alex Peterson
Hi it's Emma. I love reading your web page. Barb always reads it so i like to read also.Barb is maybe going to take us to see you guys again. I hope the girls are Ok. You migth know us by the murray family. I hope you will have a good vacation. the girls are geting so pretty.
good luck,emma murray.
I learned about your blog when I was Brianna's teacher. My son was born July 25, 2004 at 25 weeks 6 days gestation. I have been visiting the site about once a month or so. It helps me to read about other micro preemies and to read your emotions. I feel the same way sometimes. I enjoy reading the ups and downs and especially the accomplishments of Holland and Eden. You are an inspiration and I love that you are willing to share your life with everyone.
I never heard about blogging until my coworker started her own. She had your blog listed at her site and I started reading it. I never send comments but thought I would sign your guest book. I love seeing pictures of your girls. They are so beautiful and happy. I think you and your husband are doing a great job.
I have been following Holland and Eden's blog since it began almost two years ago. Thank you Billie for sharing your inner most thoughts, fears and joys and for keeping us a part of your life. I admire your strength and determination. H & E have two wonderful, vivacious and strong parents who offer them the best life; they are incredibly lucky to have you and John!You are an amazing mother and person. I am grateful to know you!
Thank you for sharing your incredible journey! And know that you have many supporters and friends to help you along the way!
I found your site from another multiples blog. I'm currently pregnant with twins and think Holland and Eden's stories are amazing. I wish your family the very best!
I know it has been a while since last I blogged, but the site was blocked from where I normally checked my mail! However, this family is finally in 2006 and we now have access at home! I have been spending the last hour checking in with you girls. I am sorry about your speeding ticket, continued struggles and worries, and losing contact. I hope you enjoy your vacation, it is well deserved! Can't wait to read all about it, Kris Paquette
dear holland and eden I love to read your website.I am very proud of your progress you made.
P.S. Katey Crosby...and I loved walking with you for March of Dimes!!
Hey!I found your page from Asher and Jacob's,I am prayer warrior for these little guys!BUT,I am also the Na-Na of a 3 yr.old who although born at 32 weeks weighed in at only 1#,15oz due to his Mom's placenta not fuctioning properly.He stayed in the NICU 67 days and today he is a very healthy but small happy kid.Your girls are beutiful and I love their names!!Have they caught up in weight yet?I will continue to check on them!!!
Wow, your twins are so beautiful! Firstly I want to say well done. Having twins is hard. I have faternal twins. You both are fantastic. My twins were born at 27 weeks and I almost didn't make it to see them. So I count myself very lucky to have them and be able to hold them. I am inspired by your blog. I hope you continue to have happy times and your twins flourish. All the best,
Hi there! I came across your blog just recently while doing a google search for Premies & Cerebral Palsy. We had identical twin girls delivered at 27 weeks. They have come so far in their 7.5 months of life. We are watching one of our girls for cerebral palsy as she had a mildly concerning nuerological exam at four months and is about to go back for the 8 month one. I have read your entire blog from start till now. It is a ture inspiration to me. You are amazing parents to 2 completely beautiful girls. I have enjoyed reading their journey, and have cried and laughed through all of your posts. I look forward to new adventures and milestones from Holland & Eden.
Hello Family,
I have found much comfort in reading your family's story over the past couple of weeks. I have a similar one myself. I have identical twin boys born at 27 weeks. They are 13 months old. One has a shunt and I am very concerned he might have CP. He is not crawling or sitting up yet but I am trying to remain hopeful that he will. Anyway, I found your site through a web search for preemie twins. Thanks for sharing. I will continue to keep up with the site because it makes me feel better. Even though I don't know you I feel like I do because we have been through similar experiences and have similar emotions. I have a web page with our story too. it is http://babysites.com/sites/giddenskids/
I came across your story when a good friend of mine had twins the same age as yours. We were looking for other babies that made it so they would have hope. Sadly neither of their babies made it . The first baby lived only 3 days and had a major brian bleed so they took her off her vents. The second baby developed a intestinla blockage at about a month old. THe dr.s missed it and all his intestines necrified. He only lived about 3 days after the diagnosed him then died of a serious infection in his stomach due to the rupture.
sorry had to add this was just about a year ago. I am fascinated by your posts. YOu must be so insanely busy i have a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old and would never have the strength for the things you do. You must be a rock. lol
Good luck and best wishes to both little girls who have been such an inspiration to many other worried moms and dads out there. Keep up the excellent site
WHAT A PAIR OF CUTIES!!!! My identical twin girls were not micro preemies but were preemies.. While they are napping right now I just spent 2 hours reading EVERY post... I laughed and cried and smiled.... Your girls are amazing and you and your husband are so blessed. Thank you for letting me read your story.
Found your sight thru a set of micro preemies on Caringbridge, Jacob & Asher. Having been to visit the NICU when my friends "grand twins" were born in 2004 @ 30 weeks I was drawn to your story of these amazing girls. Besides I share a birthday with them! I will be following your story as you share the trials of parenting exceptional children. We never know what the future holds for us and how we will handle it until it happens. I have a 4 month old grandaughter that is beautiful & healthy. But my daughter-in-law & son went thru some scary times when she was still pregnant and being tested for Downs & possible chromosonal disorders. We would have loved her anyway, just like you do with your girls. That love shows in your post. They will be added to my prayer list!
I can't believe I forgot to sign the book!
You have an amazing blog, made better only by your fantastically adorable daughters.
It's funny that I think I found your blog from a fellow blogger halfway across the country, only to find you're in the next town over. Small world. :)
Your strength has been a source of motivation for us, as we try our best to raise our micropreemie twin girls.
I came across your blog through another site about preemie twins. I am extremely amazed by your story. You and your family have been through so much. Your story is very inspiring. I am a mother of two girls, ages 3 and 1 and I cannot begin to imagine dealing with you have to deal with. I hope if I would ever have to endure anything like you are enduring I would handle it with all of the strength, maturity and gratefulness that you have. I have never met you but you seem like you are a great mother and genuinely nice person. Your daughters are beautiful and you are very lucky. Just hang in there I'm sure there will always be tough times especially dealing with a child with a disability but your love for your children will guide you through. I'm very touched by your story and will continue to read your blog to see how you all are doing. Take care.
I'm not sure how I ended up on your page. I was linked here from another page, and got so caught up in reading that I totally forget how I got here.
Your family is amazing! Both of your girls are adorable. There is something about Eden that makes me feel sure that she is going to succeed at anything she chooses to do. Her spirit just shines right through. Whatever she goes through will be normal for her, and you seem like such a great mom that simply having you there for her will make things easier for her.
Keep smiling.
Found you through Asher and Jacob's site. I have really enjoyed reading about your girls and your strength... you 4 are an inspiration!
Hi, I have followed your experiences for about year and a half. I found your blog by Googling, and, for whatever reason, it captured my attention. I bookmarked it and keep returning to it. I don't follow any other blog. Your post of July 26, 2006 has moved me to comment and sign your guestbook. It was a beautiful post and made me choke up a bit.
I am the father of preemie twin girls, born at 26 weeks. They are, touch wood, in perfect health and will be 3 at the end of August.
I wish you continued success as you raise your wonderful daughters. From where I'm sitting, they could ask for no better mother.
Celebrate life, indeed.
Hi Billie & John,
Although, I have known you both since all the way back to the old school days...we have never really been close, or 'friends' for that matter...however, I have been following your blog from the moment I learned of it back in Oct. '04...I have enjoyed the ability to watch your girls grow, learn and succeed in all they have done...they are not only beautiful, and amazing...they are also incredible inspirations!!! Although I don't comment often...(I do realize that what I have to say may be of very little importance to your family~~~I am aware that you must get advice from those friends and family who are closer to you, or people who live through and understand better what you deal with)...I am greatful, that I am able to be a part of your journey!!!
Wow... your girls are absolutely beautiful and amazing! And they are lucky to have such wonderful parents who not only take good care of them, but who have kept this incredible play-by-play of their very special lives! I found your blog by googling "preemie/twins/iugr". We have almost 14-month old (corrected age) identical twin girls, who were born at 30 weeks, 4 days on June 4, 2005. Our pregnancy was complicated by Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, and involved laser surgery at 17 weeks. We were lucky to make it past 30 weeks! One twin(Courtney Faith) also suffered from severe IUGR and weighed 1lb, 12oz. Her sister (Meredith Grace), who weighed a hefty 4lbs, suffered from a nasty case of NEC in the NICU, and endured 3 surgeries and a 5-month stay. Meredith has been diagnosed with "mild-moderate PVL", and is being followed by OT, PT, etc. Both girls are doing quite well, considering everything. We live in Hamilton, Ontario, and are very lucky to have excellent childrens' services in our city. After reading your story (I couldn't stop), I really wish I had been keeping a journal of our roller coaster ride. I really admire your strength... I know there are up days and down days, and sometimes we don't even know how we do it! I truly wish you all the best, and thank you for the reminder that we are not alone in parenting very special twins!
P.S. I absolutely LOVE their names!!!
Billie - I read your blog often even though I get the 'scoop' regularly from your mom. She is one of my closest and dearest friends - thus you and your family mean a lot to me. The mold was broken when you and John became parents -- Kudos to you both!! God knew just what He was doing when he gave those precious little girls to the two of you. Parenting is the most challenging job we have but the two of you are getting A+'s. I enjoy your writing Billie and the fact that you are as transparent as you are with your feelings. It means more than you will ever know. The love and devotion that you have for your family is unsurpassed. Love, Kathy W.
PS - Happy 2nd Birthday Eden & Holland
Hi there,
I came across your blog while searching for information about failing a hearing test in the NICU for a friend. I just wanted to tell you that your babies are beautiful and they share the same birthday as my micropreemie identical twin girls born at 27 weeks and weighing 1 lb 15 oz and 1 lb 4 oz. Happy 2nd birthday!
I don't even know how I came across your blog but after a frustrating night at the NICU I came home and read all of the entries on Holland and Eden.
They are such an inspiration to me and give me great hope that one day my daughter will be as bright and beautiful as they are.
I have a 25wkr that was born at the end of February weighing 1lb 7oz. She's run into just about every obstacle in the book, aside from intestinal, and was trached on July 11th. We're praying she can come home soon but the doctors have said it might be several more months before that is possible.
Thank you for keeping this blog. I'm sure I'm not the only preemie parent who has benefitted from reading about your girls.
Hi Holland, Eden, Mom and Dad! The girls are doing incredible! I've got a preemie, 31 and 3, and was doing research on milestones we should be hitting when etc and stumbled onto Halle's story which lead to .... and now here I am 6 hours later having read the girl's entire story so far.
Thank you for sharing it and I can't wait to read more!
Oh and I have a question about the eczema... has it cleared up? Pure Emu Oil works like a charm - my mom has had eczema since childhood and this helps immensely - you can pick it up usually at health food stores. It is a bit on the pricey side, but a little dab'll do ya.
My Princess has a blog too, http://presleigh.blogspot.com come visit sometime!
See you soon!
Kristin & Presleigh
Hi, my name Gala.
I'm mom to twins a boy and a girl, born at 28 weeks and just couple weeks before your girls.
I found your blog through another blog a while ago. I don't come here very often but I like to keep up with girls progress and love to see new pictures of girls.
Your girls are absolutly gorgeous! And I think you're increadible mom and doing great job! Girls are lucky to have you!
my name is Terri and I have 4 kids. My 9 yr old was a preemie at 32 weeks and my neice was a preemie and she weighed only 17 ounces at birth. They are only a couple of months apart also.
I came across your blog from Asher and Angel Jacobs caringbridge site! Good luck with the girls they are very cute! My brother also has Cerebral Palsy he is 32 now and a walking miracle since my parents were told 32 years ago he would never walk and at the time they were told they should just put him away in a home. Fortunatly they did not and fought every step and he has come farther then anyone could have ever imagined he does have some signs but he is walking able to take care of himself and do anything he needs to do.
I recently found your blog through another preemie blog. I have a preemie myself and love to see the progress these amazing babies make. Your girls are absolutely beautiful and such little miracles.
I've been reading your blog for about 4 months and enjoy seeing pictures of your beautiful children. I am the mother of two myself (7 year old girl, 4 year old boy). You and your husband are such an inspiration - congratulations on such a beautiful family.
Hi, I'm Megan and I found this journal by linking through several other sites some one of which was linked by a friend who just had her baby prematurely. My fiance says to tell you that you're a good influence on me because you're reminding me of all the hundreds of very personable little reasons that the world needs more neonatalists.
I don't remeber how i stumbled across this blog to be honest, but since then i have done nothing but read about your amazing girls. I know it an be tough, but I also know that you're both fantastic, dedicated parents and that somehow, you and your girls with make it though.
I stumbled on this site when searching for a micro preemie size chart on Google. Since my Mom passed away I have been knitting (something she taught me) for preemies and micro preemies.
I am also studying to get my RN and am thinking of specializing in pediatrics or neonatology. Stories like yours make me really lean towards neonatology as I feel I could do so much good in that field.
I have been reading all of your blog entries past to current over the past few days. You and your girls are an inspiration. The girls are ADORABLE!! Love seeing the pics!.
I have a cousin with CP, so I find Eden's story esp. interesting. I live with and take care of my cousin, who is now 26. The doctors told my Aunt she would never walk or talk so she should just put her in an institution. She is now 26, walks, doesn't talk much but uses sign language and says a few understandable words but is MORE then able to get her point across! She owns her own house, does volunteer work 5 days a week and could live on her own if we felt more confident she knew how to handle emergency situations. Just thought maybe this story would give you a bit of hope and inspiration for the future scheme of things.
Now that I have a blogger account, I thought I'd resign the guestbook. So here I am.
I am a mom of a 26 wk preemie, I look forward to reading your blog and have posted a link to mine as well...
I found your blog through a link from a link, if that makes sense. Your girls are so beautiful!
Hi - First of all - your girls are just beautiful. I googled "micro preemie development" and found your sight. I had identical twin boys on Christmas Eve. They weighed 1 lb 7 oz and 2 lbs 7 oz. I can relate to so many things that you've gone through. When they say that the NICU experience is a rollercoaster - that's a huge understatement! I will continue to follow your website and I wish you the very best!
your daughters are a blessing from above and a miracle to you. Take good care of them and love them so much. I can relate because i had a little preemie boy, whom spent his first five months in the NICU. God bless and good luck!
Love keeping up with your girls!! My daughter had twin boys born on 7/31 of this year...same birthday as your girls. We brought them home after 74 days in the NICU. I sure sympathize with you, because now I see how busy my daughter's life is going to be. Keep up the good work..You are such a wonderful writer.
Hey im Sarah. I found your site lookin at images of baby twin because i love looking at how cute they can be. I would of loved to go to the Elmo concert cause i am a big fan of elmo. Holland and Eden look so cute in all of the photos. i am only 12 and i cant wait to be a mum. i have your site now under my favorites cause i want to see how holland and eden go. They are very cute and you guys are lucky to be their parents.
xoxo Sarah
Hey Billie, I found your site when I was looking up info on preemies. I have 32 week boy and girl twins. The nicu was a real rollercoaster ride and I was looking to hear about others experiences. My heart goes out to you for all you and your family have been through. But what an amazing woman you are!! My daughter may have cp, she had a brain bleed. We are now just waiting to see how she develops.. Your story has been an inspiration and I follow it regularely and only hope that I can be half the mother that you are to your girls..
Wow! Your story is amazing and your children are incredible! They and you are so brave. I know, because my boys Sam and Lucas who are now 3-1/2 were born at 27 weeks.
I think it is great that you are keeping such a journal and would love to one day hear what the girls have to say when they know how many people came to know them through this.
My boys are doing well. Sam is a toe walker with some sensory issues and Lucas has mild CP due to brain bleeds and hydrocephalus challenges when born.
I wish you all the blessings of preemie parents.
You can read my story on my website as well. (www.therapies4kids.com)
Congratulations on your two beautiful girls. They really are precious. My son Liam, was born at 28 weeks and weighed 800grams. (We use metric in South Africa). He is doing very well, and the only thing he has left over from his early birth is ADHD, which is well controlled by 5mg Ritalin a day. He is going to "Big School" in January 2007, and is very excited. Much love to you all
Cape Town
South Africa
About 8 months ago I was reading birth stories on line when I stumbled upon your blog. It was the first time I'd ever heard of babies being born that early and surviving - I read all your archives and fell in love with your two little girls - how could I not. I now visit regularly to check on them. Congratulations to you and your husband on the fabulous job you are doing raising them.
Hi....I love reading your blog. Your girls are beautiful. You are an awesome Mommy!
Billie,John,Holland, and Eden
I love you all so much and it was wonderful seeing you for Christmas at Kims. I loved every second of it. Billie, the girls are beautiful and I have missed you so much. I cant wait to see you all again.
I love you,
Your cousin Jamie
I found your site because of my best friend's brother-girlfriends- niece' site. I found it ages ago and every month I have a look at the latest photos posted. I am a mom of 10 (4 are adopted) with triplets 5, 2 lots of twins (1 adopted pair of twins) which are 1 and 10 and three single children ( 12, 13 and 18(the 12 and 13 yr olds were adopted aswell)). I am a single mom but i have great friends that help me out. It looks in your photos that you always are having a great time. I know that every mom feels that having kids is a miracle and i no with 6 of my own and 4 adopted. The 4 of them always used to tell me that when they were younger that they never felt loved but when they came to live with me they felt like it was a mircle. With ten kids and a single mom it is sometimes a struggle to get up and go to school and going to places.Sometimes i wish i had a smaller family so it would be easier to keep my kids undercontrol but i love all of my kids very much. I have been lookin around for a nice man but it just doesnt feel right.I hope everything goes well for your family. Keep up the writing and postings of photos as i love looking at the 2 most beautiful girls and reading ow it is going.
Kimiah James
P.S sorry if i have made some mistakes as my keyboard is getting abit old.
I wanted to write and thank you for creating such a beautiful testimonial to your gorgeous daughters and their accomplishments. I am a single mom of preemie twin boys, born at 32 weeks. Ross and Riley are the light of my life and I can relate to so much of what you write! So many of your posts made me smile and nod my head! I also became addicted to the scale in the NICU and cherish every single ounce that they gain. Their development is a wondrous miracle for me to watch, and I can tell that you feel the same way about your girls!
One of your posts truly brought me to tears, though. The lyrics from the Natalie Merchant song have always been so meaningful to me, and I sing them to my twins (changing them to work for boys!) all the time.
Thank you for this wonderful blog! You are now on my favorites list. Happy Holidays! -Melissa
WOW.. I first came upon your blog while searching for information about micro-preemies. My friend recently gave birth to a baby girl at 25 weeks, and it prompted me to read up on the subject. I myself am a mother of three(Noel 4, Violet 3, and Valentine 7mths) and I must say that you are doing a great job. The unconditional love and dedication that you have for Holland and Eden is reflected in every blog you post.
Mary =)((Chicago))
I was searching the internet for "valentines twins graphics" and pictures of your girls came up. I couldn't help reading and reading. I have boy/girl twins that are now 3 1/2 years old and were born almost 6 weeks early...and you'd never know how tiny they were when they were born by how big and healthy they are now. I read about all you went through when they were young and I went through most of those same things. I just felt the need to tell you how adorable Eden and Holland are and that it looks like you are doing a great job raising them. It seems like I'm always telling my family that "they are at such a fun age right now." And I mean it. It's one fun stage after another. It's a real lot of work but it's even more fun! Enjoy every minute. And thanks for sharing.
hi there... well i gave birth on oct 15 2006 to 2 tiny baby boys dominic 1 pound 8 ounces and santino 1 pound 10 ounces both 12 1/2 inches..i was only 25 weeks along after 3 wonderful weeks we lost our angel santino due to grade 4 hemorrage and a bad heart as well as down syndrom ....his brother is stil in the nicu but doing real well at a whopping 4 pound 2 ounces it only took 3 month...:( thanks for your site u give me hope for the future and your girls look so happy and beautifull....:) good luck
Hello....I found your blog by simply googlinf micropreemies...wouldn't you know your blog comes up right on the first page. I have been reading since shortly after the birth of my 23 week and 5 day old twins, Serena and Edwin Jr. You have provided a lot of hope and inspiration...thank you for sharing your story. I have begun blogging because of your blog; and hope I can inspire micropreemie moms just like you have done for me. Thanks!
I am happy to see that H&E are getting along ver well. It st of been a gr8 start for 2007 with them being sick. I was aibt sick after a few too many drinks with friends. Thank god me and they kids stayed there that night. I hope 2007 brings th best times and i hope th girls are feeling alot better. I hope they werent sick from 2 ny drins like i was.
xx Kimiah James
I came across your blog from a link through someone else's blog. I also have twin girl's. They were 27 weekers. So I know all about the ups and downs.
It's been a great journey for me. Except their growing up way too quick!
I love reading about Eden & Holland and all of their great adventure's. Kepp blogging Billie!!!
hey I love your sight I am a premie
what beautiful little girls you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my oldest granddaughter was born at 27 weeks and weighed 2 lbs 3 ozs. she was a fighter from the get go. had the neotal dr scolding her for grabbing his medical equip before she left the delivery room. it sure is a roller coaster ride, one that i feel never ends. she was born in 2000!!!!!!!!!! she is beautiful and i thank god we have her but she goes threw a lot. she is hearing impaired and wears glasses. she also suffers from lung problems. at one time it was thought she had mild cp but we have just decided she is just clumsy (only joking) i think her balance or lack of balance may be from her hearing loss. she has good hearing in one ear and mod loss in the other, she only wears a hearing aid at school. i think you have a great attitude and wish i could be more like you. i worry in the morning, in the afternoon and late at night. we had to tell her no to a sled riding party, broke her heart and mine too......
i hope things go well with your girls and as our "preemie puts it"
creemies are special little people.
My name is Sarah. I came across your blog by googling "cerebral palsy preemies". I am the mother to Benjamin who was born severely growth restricted at 32 weeks gestation, weighing 2 and a half pounds. Ben was suffering from placental insufficency in utero was delivered by emergency C-section within mere hours of being stillborn. At Ben's 3 month developmental check up his pediatrician noticed increased tone in his legs and mentioned the possibility of cerebral palsy...which lead to my googling. I've read your entire story over the last couple of months. I love how real and honest you are. At this point in my parenting experience I don't want to hear that everything will be okay. I want to hear how it really is to raise a child with a disability...and you give me that. Thank you for giving me that.
What beautiful girls you have. Being the mom of preemie is a daily challenge and for you it is multiplied by two. I can relate to many of your challenges as my daughter is a 25 weeker with similar issues to the girls. It is nice to know I am not the only neurotic mom weighing and plotting my daughters growth.
Angela (mom to Elizabeth)
We also started a blog for our daughter and came across yours as a link from another preemies website.
Hi Billie
I found your blog via Matthew's Childsplayx2 blog and I love reading your inspirational and amazing stories. Your daughters are precious and its great to hear how well they are doing. I am a mom of 9.5 month twins and I know how two at a time can be and truly admire your spunk, humor and persistence with your girls. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Billie.
I found your blog a month or so ago linked from "Dream Mom"...I've read it in it's entirety a couple of times now.
I am also the mom of a little one with serious disabilities and i can relate to so much of what you read. The disabilities our kids have are very different from each other but the feelings we have as moms our very similar.
You're an incredible mom...and your hubbie a great father. Thank you for creating this blog.
Hi Billie,
I am a new member to the preemie-mom-blog group and wanted to say hello! I delivered my triplets at 25 wks, 1 day. I love the your site and will check back for updates. Your girls are beautiful. I noticed in your profile that you are a school psychologist...I am as well in California.
I look forward to reading more about Holland and Eden in the future.
Hi Billie, John, Holland and Eden,
I found your blog through Jacqui at Terrible Palsy. God your story makes me tear up at times. We have walked a very similar path as you. I think it is great that you have been blogging your story from the start. I wish I had - reading your older posts reminds me of the NICU bubble and all within.
Your positive attitude in the face of all of this is amazing. Holland and Eden are beautiful girls. I am so glad they made it as it is clear to me they have so much to teach the world. I see they get the adorable gene from both sides. ;-)
I will be back and I have linked you on my site as well. Thanks for sharing your amazing story,
Hello. My name is Rebecca. I found your blog link through Justregularfolks.blogspot.com My daughter Caitlyn has Rett Syndrome. Over the past few days I have been reading from your very first entry. I am inspired by the growth I see in you. We only just recieved the news of a disability a year ago. I know what you mean about everyone else thinking you have it all together...I will continue on until I reach the current posts, and then continue to read.
Hello -
My name is Rebecca and I'm currently almost 25 weeks pregnant. I got pregnant after 2 IVFs, a frozen embryo transfer and a final IVF. I found your blog through Tertia's So Close blog and I found your story compelling so I decided to start from the beginning. I guess it really hit home because when I found your blog I wasn't far away from being 24 weeks 3 days pregnant and I couldn't even imagine giving birth. I love reading about your beautiful girls and seeing how they progress. I used to babysit for a child with CP and still see him occasionally as he is the son of my mother's friend. He is very tall, loves music, can walk and talk and while still very dependent on his parents, I think he is living a good life.
Big hugs to your girls! You are a wonderful mother!
I found your blog because Halle Grace's mom Julie is my cousin. Her website linked to the Lovvorn twins and they linked to you. I now check all 3 of your sites daily (I haven't finished reading yours from the beginning yet, but I read a good chunk everyday). All of these babies are an inspiration.
Hi Holland and Eden. My name is Rachel, and I am from Boston, MA. I just found your site this past week, and I truly am amazed and inspired by your inner-strength. Furthermore, please tell your mommy and daddy that they are incredible people, too. I am a sophomore in college majoring in social work and nursing. I haven't started my clinicals yet, but I have volunteered in a level III NICU, for the past two years. I really want to ultimately work in the NICU. My title is a "cuddler," and I am blessed to be able to hold the babies. I am so happy to have found your site. I can't wait until I can read it all the way through. My E-mail is Rach52886@comcast.net Tell your parents they can E-mail me anytime. Although, I'm sure they have their hands full :) Take care, girls.
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