We're going to Oakland and we'll be staying with my awesome Uncle Keith, Aunt Katy, and cousins Abby and Drew. My parents will be coming with us, and will be a huge help with the girls, so we may actually get a little time to relax and enjoy ourselves. In fact, they've agreed to keep the girls for a weekend, while John and I get a hotel room in San Francisco!!!!! It'll be sheer bliss!!!!! Time to remember our past lives.
As excited as I am, I do start to panic a bit when I start thinking of all the things we'll have to remember to bring. I need to start a list...carseats, batteries for Eden's CI, Holland nebulizer (breathing machine), a seat for Eden...I could go on and on. It'll be a lot different than our last big vacation. The one where we went to Italy, Austria, and Germany with just a backpack each and stayed in hostels. Those days are over.
Now we'll have a different kind of fun. The kind where you get to see the world through a new set of eyes (or two). This past weekend we took the girls to their first friend's birthday party and there was a petting zoo in the backyard. Then on Sunday we took them swimming at the Y in Ohio with their aunt, uncle, and cousins. I find those kind of things so much fun. Just to see the looks on their faces when they get to actually HOLD a baby bunny, or splash in the fountain at the pool. Definitely fun, just a different kind of fun.

Have fun in California! That is so great you two will get to spend a weekend alone!
IM excited for you guys and enjoy that weekend alone!! You know that doesnt happen everyday. Your girls are getting big.. i love the new pics
yey! cali here you come! i am excited you will be traveling to my side of the world! i take it you will be in nor cal, not so cal :( i was going to say maybe i could try and take a little trip up (i've been wanting to see maggie!), but i think i will be in telluride that week...not the whole time you are here though...i will get back to you.
the girls look DDDAAAAHHHHLING, as usual. they seem to have a lot of fun. hmm, like their parents :) love you guys.
OH what fun! I'm so happy for you guys. That will be a blast...and the fact that your parents are going will be a huge blessing for you.
You will get that precious time together that all parents need.
Hello. I am Jennifer Delp. I have been checking here everyday for the past week. amazing how well they are doing for preemies! if i lived by you, i would meet you and play with the girls and babysit for you.
Woo! Vacations rock! I used to live in Northern California and I really do miss San Francisco.
Have a great weekend without the girls, too. We are celebrating our first wedding anniversary soon and it will be a rare night without D. I'm going to enjoy it, but I will miss the little rug rat, too.
Have fun!
Hmmm. CI. Couldn't find it in your Glossary. :)
What is it?
CI...short for Cochlear Implant, aka Eden's hearing gear.
Oh my gosh...you have to come visit while you are here in Northern Cal!! I'm super close by SF (20 minutes north over the Golden Gate bridge!)...
Oh, and by the way, us folks who live in California don't call it Calli! Only those not from our state seem to call it that.
email me off list and I'll send you my phone number! liz at aLizard.com (change at for @).
Yay for you! Enjoy your weekend alone--you SO need it.
I just packed bags for mine to go out of town for 3 days, and they had more bags than I did. Lord, how will you ever pack for two weeks?
Have a WONDERFUL time, and take lots of pictures to share.
It may be true that people in CA don't call it Cali. However, LL Cool J and Notorious BIG do! Of course, they are BOTH from NY:)
We'll be in touch! A visit would be nice. We have another couple with twin boys, 25 weekers, that we're also hoping to hook up with. How fun!
Have fun!!!!
Have a great time!
And I love the new look of the blog!
wow...you're coming to my world! I suppose I live not too far from the other person that said they live 20 miles from SF....becuase I don't live much further than that myself...what a small world!
Have a great time on the trip!! Maybe we'll run into each other!
I've been reading your blog for a couple weeks now - I forget how I came across it (probably through another blog), but your writing style and upbeat attitude drew me in and induced me to read all your old posts! Your girls are gorgeous... but I've been wondering, I love their names so much, how did you come up with them?
I look forward to hearing about your trip to Cali. We are heading to San Diego in August with our 25 weeker. We too have to take the nebulizer. Have a great time. I would love to have a weekend alone with my husband. We are staying with his father, so it may be possible. Good luck with the trip and have fun.
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