Thursday, October 05, 2006

Oh, The Joy of Sharing Popsicles


Anonymous said...

I love the bond those girlies share you can see it in their faces!

Laura said...

I haven't signed your guesbook in a while, but I just had to today. The girls look wonderful and bring such a smile to my face in those pictures! Keeping your family in my prayers.

My two little miracle nephews, Asher and ^Jacob^:

Anonymous said...

Your girls are beauiful Billie.

MamaChristy said...

Sweetest ever!

And would you look at that! EATING!

Anonymous said...

That is way too cute!!

BendingPeak said...

So cute!

mamashine said...

The cutest pictures EVAH. :)

Anonymous said...

Delurking to tell you that those are some precious girls you've got there. Love the pics!

Kendra's mom said...

They are just gorgeous!! Those pics are lovely.

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls!!!
Tell mommy to buy more red and blue popcicles!!! :)

Love you guys!


kristin said...

That is soooo cute!

Sarah said...

HAHA! Love it.

Hechung said...

Having a popsicle never looked so fun! :)

Kristin said...

I agree, looks like fun, although rather hard to tell who really had which colour as their own ;-)

Anonymous said...

That is the single cutest picture story I have ever seen. These are my new favorite pictures of strangers!

Anonymous said...

it's safe to post the news!!

Kendra Lynn said...

Oh how adorable! I love those pics.
Sisters who are so happy together, how wonderful. :)

I love you

Michelle said...

Best pictures EVER! I can't get over how CUTE they are.

So maybe just freeze everything of nutritional value on a stick, and let them go to town. LOL! Our OT recommended making baby food pops for Mady since she has sensory issues around her mouth. Never would've thought to do that for an 11 month old baby!

H & E look so amazingly happy! Love it! Do they always share, and get along like that?

Viscouse said...

That's pretty darn cute. I know how hard it is to get a picture when they're doing something nice, cute, or otherwise not exasperating, so kudos to getting a picture you can look back on later!!!