Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Prematurity Awareness Month

November is National Prematurity Awareness Month, and November 14th is Prematurity Awareness Day.

Through the end of the month, donations up to $100,000 are being doubled by Mastercard (if you use your card), so it's a good time to get the most bang for your buck!

If you are interested in donating on behalf of the girls, their virtual bands can still be found here: Holland Mirabell and Eden Deanna


Kacy Jean said...


The girls are beautiful as ever. I still can't believe how much they have grown, looking back at some of your old post, its crazy how far they've come. I know I can't hardly remember when my four year old was the age of my 8 month old; that has to be one of the hardest parts of being a parent, is looking years later and saying "I should have slowed down"!!

Anonymous said...

Billie....where did the last 2 years go?
They seemed to have grown into "little girls" from babies since summer! Both gorgeous as usual!
