Speaking of Eden doing things everyday to make me cry...

Eden was so excited about standing by the couch. She has never been able to bear any weight on her legs, but we are very SLOWLY starting to see some progress. She worked so hard with Daddy for over 15 minutes practicing holding her weight, and readjusting the position of her feet to balance herself. She was holding herself up by the couch for a couple of seconds at a time and was so proud of herself. She didn't want to stop! In fact, when we had to stop she kept signing "more, more."
It's the little things, that people with "normal" kids take for granted...
Go Eden It is so touching to see her standing with that head up. You made my day, week, month. Who ever said miracles don't happen!!!! We are looking at 2 very special ones. Love ya all Nana
I had to comment because of your comment about taking things for granted. I've been recovering from having both feet reconstructed and on Monday I stood on my own two feet for the first time in ages. You're completely right, it's those little things that are so wonderful to achieve.
I'm so proud I could burst!! Well done little Eden.
That is absolutely the best thing I have seen in a while! Billie, I am just so happy to see this. We will never really know the strength and will that this little girl has. Unbelievable!
I am in tears..........she is absolutley AMAZING!!!!!!
What an awesome Christmas gift!
Miracle after miracle after miracle. That little girl is truly amazing! What a Christmas gift for you all!
And I love the shoes :)
Billie, your girls are anything but normal. They are extraordinary! Eden's latest feat brought tears to my eyes, what an amazing little wonder she is!
I am so happy for you and Eden. It was so exciting to check your blog and see Eden standing up. I am sure it's the best Christmas present anyone could have given you. Keep up the good work, miracles do happen! Who knows, in a year she may be walking all over the place trying to keep up with Holland. Wouldn't that be grand.
Just you wait. That little girl will walk. She's just two determined not to. It may be a few years later but in a few years I bet you'll see Eden walking. Way to go Eden!
Eden is undoubtledly the strongest littel girl I have ever met! Amazing. I can't wait to see what she will surprise us with next!
OMG, Billie! When I opened your blog my jaw dropped down and tears started welling up in my eyes. What an amazing Christmas present for Eden. She is such a strong girl with a heart and will to match. Enjoy the little things, they are what makes life worth living!!
I've never left a comment before...but read your blog all the time. I am so impressed by Eden. She is so determined and cute! Tobie
WOW! That is just awesome! Way to go Eden! She must have worked so hard to accomplish this. And it's wonderful news about her progress in speech and signing too.
It must be Christmas, because you are posting so much good news this week!
Wishing you a Christmas season filled with joy, wonder, gratitude and laughter,
Okay, the last two posts made me teary eyed from happiness for you guys. Eden is just so amazing--you guys are all amazing. I wish I could give you all a real life hug!
go eden go weldone eden
freom trisha and emalia
What a little trooper she is - what a wonderful amazing little girl.
Wow! The picture is awesome and it was so touching to read that she didn't want to stop. She is really inspiring. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year's with your family and friends. --Kate in NYC
Way to go Eden!!!! What an awesome feat! The tears are flowing as I looked at her picture. She is such a trooper. Your girls are so amazing, and they are such an inspiration!
Kristin (mom to Kylin and Preston 27 weekers)
Go Eden! It's amazing what their determination will let them do. :-)
Merry Christmas Holland, Eden, Billie & John!
Kristin & Presleigh.
Hooray for Eden!!! That is great news! I'm sure that you are both really proud of her!
Just remember that progress is any movement forward....
As cute as those girls are on a regular day, I'd have to say this is the most beautiful photo I've seen in a while.
Great work Eden!
Merry Christmas to all of you!
What a wonderful Christmas gift! Look at that! Such a miracle...and she's such a sweetie.
What a great job!! Eden!! Hooray!!
From:Irene, Tom & Preston!
Congratulations! That is so exciting!
Good work Eden. You must be so proud of her
Kimiah James
I'm so happy for Eden--and for you! I'm looking forward to seeing what new surprises she has in store for you.
Merry Christmas!
Go Eden! She is so amazing!!!!!!!
Oh Eden I'm so proud of you! You've made your mama so happy!!!!
My happiness is over taking a sip of water! I sure understand about being happy over the smallest of things! Congratulations Billie! And Holland looks great in her glasses! Liz
I am so excited to see such a beuatiful miracle happen for Eden!!! You're such an amazing little girl!
Billie I cried tears of joy for you all! What a wonderful gift just in time for Christmas! I pray for many more moments like this for her in the very near future!
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