H and E are going through a BIG mailbox phase. Holland is interested in anything mail related. She will carry her "letters" around all day.
Yesterday as we were leaving my mom and dad's house she saw their mailbox. There was a blizzard happening outside, and the wind chill was -14, so we couldn't stop to look at it. The whole way home she cried "more mailbox." To calm her down, I told her we could look at OUR mailbox when we got home. She kept repeating "Hanen see mailbox home" and was so happy when we got home and Daddy took her to our mailbox to get the mail. Of course, when she came in she cried "Hanen more mailbox," "nother one mailbox" repeatedly. So, Daddy and I rigged together this makeshift mailbox, and she and Eden were both happy as could be. Eden liked putting the letters in the slot, and Holland liked opening and shutting the door and taking the letters out. We did have a couple of girl fights over who got to do what, but they eventually sorted it out.
Like I said before, I really shouldn't be spending any money on toys...ever.
You are such a clever mommy!
I love it!!!
You are definitely an imaginative mommy! Who needs toys! I'm going to have to take notes to save on toy $...
I literally laughed out loud when I saw your mailbox...it reminded me of all the things we rigged for our older son Jai (now 5) when he was a toddler. I am glad to see the girls are doing well and your transcriptions of their baby talk are just adorable. I check in periodically. Noelani, our preemie is doing well...got over RSV in Dec. but hasn't been sick since...best of luck to you guys getting through this flu season.
Love the play mailbox! When my boys were little, I couldn't even take out my checkbook without them wanting to wanting to grab my pen and "help". I started saving any kind of junk mail that came with order forms, reply envelopes, sample checks, etc., so while I was doing my paperwork, they could do theirs.
Do I see that Holland's glasses are broken? My older one started with glasses when he was 3, and we visited the optometrist frequently for loose screws, popped out lenses, broken temples, etc.
(Aw, now I'm all nostalgic. Those were the good old days, because I could still hold them in my lap and mother them. They are grown young men now, 17 and 20.)
Hi, my name is Lori. I live in FL and don't quite remember how I found your blog. Never had a preemie (though my SIL has had 3), but love to read your writings. That mailbox is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! Your girls are blessed to have parents who meet their needs so well!
What a totally cute mailbox!!
Sometimes you do what you have to do.
You have a great imagination to have come up with it.
Sometimes desperation creates great things.
Those photos are priceless! I am glad you figured out a way for "Hanen" to have her own mailbox!
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