I had one of those last week, the day before I left on my girls' trip to Seattle. It was a vacation that I sorely needed. I had a fabulous time, and missed my sweet, adorable girlies like crazy. I was so happy to come home, and they were equally glad to see me. Now they are sick, but I have pulled myself together, and am feeling much more able to handle it. Until the next time...
OOOh. I've had one of those WEEKS. Scott's on a business trip, and I am alone with the girlies. They don't like it when Daddy's not around. Lots of tears and squabbling.
I"m glad you got a little getaway.
I'm so glad you had a fabulous getaway, you sooooo deserve it. Everyone has a meltdown moment now and then, it's all the times in between that really count. Luv ya, and hope the girlies are feeling perky again soon. Liz
Miss Holly is positively operatic in her tragic faces! She does not do emotions by halves! And Eden's face is one I could stare at forever. I'm not sure what it is about it. Clearly she's gorgeous--with those lashes esp(and has always been) but there's something more in those brown eyes that is hard to pin-point.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I found your blog a few months ago and read start to finish, and have been checking in since. The love and passion you have for your girls, your husband, your larger family, and life in general shines through, it really does--- esp.when considering the blog as a greater whole. And I really appreciate these honest moments, too. It makes you so much more believable, and thus relatable. It makes the good times richer.
I am a new mom through adoption-- of a 1 lb 8 oz 24-weeker-- now 13.5 lbs and 4.5 month adjusted. It was a huge leap but there was no way we could "turn her down" once we knew she was out there, all alone in a NICU isolette.
But following a grade IV IVH she's doing so well-- standing independently when holding on to something, scooting, holding herself in a sitting positon with her arms.
And most importantly, she's just got so much JOY radiating from her small face.
We've just been taking one day at a time(and, um, spending ALL DAY EVERY DAY playing on the floor, or wearing her in the bjorn when out on errands). Blogs like yours have been a life-saver for us. Kinda like a map to consult as we try blindly to put the whole puzzle together.
So anyway---hopefully this thanks does something to soothe a wretched day away. : )
I just want to give ALL of you a hug!
Sick babies SUCK! So sorry you are having a hard time. Now listen here little girls, get better soon, your mommy needs the smiles and laughs to feed her soul!
OK, my complete melt down day was last Friday, I cried and cried, I scared Kaitlyn I cried so much. I'm so glad you got away. I already forgot my get away...
The pictures of E&H's big tears are so sweetly sad.
I have those days often. Yesterday on the way to swimming lessons, I listened to Master C and Moo fight the whole way over a toy. Every thirty seconds or so, one of them would say "mummy - *** hit me - you go mad on him". By the time we got there, I was looking for the closest coffee machine.
Great to hear you had a good time away!
Hiya, you most probably have much more important posts than this, but i am Hayley from england. I am 18 years old and i dont know much about children, but for the past two years i have made regular visits to your blog as when i first came across it, it touched me immensely.
i check back now and again to read your updates and check out the new pictures. Your children are absolutley adorable and gorgeous, and you should be so proud of them, they have come such a long way by the looks of it and you yourself seem to be a great parent!
I wish you and your children all the best for the future and i hope you all have everything you wish for in life, there are some people in the world who deserve good things, and you are definatley one of those special people.
Take care and God bless xxx
I'm so glad that you enjoyed your trip. Seattle is a beautiful city (I live just across the Puget Sound, in fact, my husband commutes via ferry to Seattle everyday). Anyways, I digress...
Darsie has a cold, too and we've had lots of screaming fits lately, too. I hope that yours go away soon!
Billie, I am glad that you had a great time on your trip! You definitely deserved the time away!
I hope Holland and Eden are feeling better soon...
They even look absolutely gorgeous in tears. You have unbelievably beautiful girls!
Glad you got a mini-vaca, like all who've posted before me...you deserved it!
Billie, I came across your blog today as I searched for stories about micro preemie twins. My friend has 6 day old twin boys born at 25 weeks. Both are just under 2 lbs. I am the mother of 4 year old twin boys who were born healthy and up until now she has called for advice and comfort during her pregnancy. Now her journey will be so different from mine. I worry that I will do or say the wrong thing. I appreciate your blog and your honesty. I know she's got a long road ahead and knowing her she will be as strong a person through it all as you have been. I appreciate the role model you are to mothers in her situation and example to those of us who want to support her.
These moments that you are capturing on film are absolutely precious. Your girls are so darling. I am in the early stages of raising our newly adopted 27 week preemie and clearly spending too much time worrying about the What If's? Your family is just lovely and you're an incredible mom.
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