I don't know how many ways you can say the same thing... We're still here. We have had Holland on 1 liter of O2 for the past couple of days, trying to give her a little boost so she can work less on breathing and more on eating and getting better. I don't know if it is working, or just the benefit of more time, but she is definitely feeling pretty good. We're going to try taking her off the O's at dinnertime today, to see if she can maintain tonight. If she does well, then maybe tomorrow...hahahahahaha. Yeah right.
Daddy took Eden in today for her third visit with the pediatrician in less than a week. She has another ear infection, so is starting a second course of antibiotics. She is still needing breathing treatments every 2-4 hours, but her oxygen saturations are holding steady in the high 90s, so no hospital for her yet. She has shown slight improvement in drinking fluids over the past two days, so that is good news too. She has another appt tomorrow at 9:40

I'll try to post some recent pics of Eden next. I have the camera with me at the hospital so for now you get "The Holland Channel...All Holland, All the Time". (Those of you who watch Elmo's World over and over and over and over will appreciate that!) Gah! If I have to watch another episode of Sesame Street, Blues Clues, Barney, or The Wiggles I might go CRAZY!
I love the pics!! I am sorry you're still there...I hope Eden stays out of there and at HOME and is on the mend with her meds. Tell Holland Jack and I are thinking of her and hope she gets to go home asap! I strongly dislike hospital stays :( Hang in there!!
I found your blog through another micro-preemie blog - Lessa and Ivy's, I think. I've been reading a lot of preemie blogs as research for a story that I'm writing - I have no experience of micro-prematurity myself.
I have been incredibly touched by your story; for what it's worth I think Holland and Eden are two of the cutest babies out there. They are two months older than my cousin in actual age (obviously, adjusted they are younger than she is) and it is really interesting seeing what they get up to. Seeing the girls wearing your shoes is so cute, and something that Emily does as well - I can remember doing it myself, actually.
On the hearing loss front - I don't know if this is of any help to you, but one of my best friends has severe hearing loss (80% in the mid to high frequencies). He wasn't eligible for a cochlea implant, but his communication is impeccable and he is actually currently doing a PhD at Oxford University. Eden seems to be making excellent progress on the hearing and communication front, and she is such a cutie with her headbands. And the walker - I swear, it got me all choked up seeing her walking around, because it's SUCH a big thing for her - you can tell from her face!
I'm so sorry that Holland is sick right now. Pneumonia is a pain in the rear. As someone who has suffered from it, I can completely understand why Holland might be off her food - it can be so debilitating. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope that soon Holland is out of hospital and back home where she belongs.
I love the Holland channel it's one of my favorites (right along with the Eden channel). I guess I can appreciate it so, since i'm not locked onto it 24 hours a day. I am thinking of you guys and hope to see you all soon (at home). We will for sure be there for the walk next weekend. We luv u guys! Liz
By the way I just checked the fundraiser progress and Team Holland and Eden have made it 1/2 way to their goal. Great job Bill, Luv Liz
I can’t believe that with everything Holland has been through recently, that she can still crack a smile....what an amazing little girl!
I will be staying tuned on the Holland Channel....and I hope to hear good news that you are ALL home and well soon!
Love, Roula
Still praying for the girls over here.
Hope all is well, and I am sure you will go home soon!
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