We had a lot of fun coloring Easter eggs with the girls this year. Only about half of them ended up broken! Eden was especially interested in the process, and ooohed and aaahed over every egg.
Poor Holly is still having a hard time fighting this recent bug. I took her to the pediatrician on Thursday. While we were there, she didn't cough once, and her sats were at 97%, so she was declared well. We came home and that afternoon she took a five hour nap. When she woke up her fever was back, and she started coughing again. Each night since she has woken several times in the night coughing, and we are doing breathing treatments about every four hours. She had a fever all day Friday, and part of yesterday, as well as this morning. In between coughing fits she seems okay. She doesn't really seem to be wheezing as much, and she isn't as crabby. But once the coughing starts she becomes a mess. I wish she would get better. I feel really bad for her.
Yesterday we went to my Grandma's for our annual family Easter dinner. We really debated as to whether or not to go, with Holland still sick, but everyone really wanted to see the girls, so we went. We had a lot of fun, cause no matter how sick she is, Holly always perks up for a party. Eden was a blast in her walker flying through my Grandma's house. It was nice for my extended family to have a chance to see her mobile. She was so funny laughing and trying to get into everything. She also LOVED my Grandma's mac and cheese. Since she has been feeling better, for maybe the last three or four days, she has been eating REALLY well. She was diving at the dinner table yesterday, signing and saying "eat." She sat in her chair for over a half hour chowing down on ham, mac and cheese, green beans, and spaghetti salad. Then she had some banana pudding for desert. I think she may have eaten more Easter dinner than my nephew Malachi (who by the way, weighed 32 pounds at his 18-month checkup!). Unfortunately, the party was cut short by another of Holly's coughing fits, and we had to leave to give her a treatment. Poor Holland.
Finally, just for fun I thought I'd do a flashback picture from Holland and Eden's first Easter. I absolutely adore this photo. I miss my squishy little babies! They have gotten so big! And so opinionated!

Sorry that Holland is still battling this bug. I love the photo of Eden looking at the Easter egg in awe, it reminds me to enjoy the little things in life!
I know what you mean about missing your little babies, Cooper has definitely grown into a little boy! I miss my little snuggle-pie!
That first Easter picture is one of my absolute favorite's. I have no idea where they get being opionated from. I'm glad you had such a great Easter. Luv Ya Liz
Man...I want some of Grandma Gladys's mac and cheese! EVERYBODY loves that stuff!
I love that first Easter pic...I remember seeing that...and those sweet little dresses...I remember those too.
Hope Holly feels much better soon.
That picture is so cute! What cute little baby faces! They really are getting old aren't they!?!? Amy
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