Anyway, I am sure many of you remember the post I wrote about equipment. It seems like there is a lot out there, but none of it is just right for Edie. After much pondering, and trying out a lot of different ideas, we have found a good solution for Eden to sit at the dinner table with us. You all were right when you said that the Tripp Trapp chair probably wouldn't have enough trunk support for Eden. My good friend Heather, mom to Marley, bought a similar chair and found that it wouldn't work for Marley, so loaned it to us to try out. By itself it doesn't work at all, but strap this Tumbleforms feeder seat to it, and it is perfect. It brings Eden right up to the table, with enough support for her to be able to practice self-feeding, without flopping over. It also has a place for her to put her feet, though we may have to put some straps on it to hold them in place. It also works great for her to kneel over the back to help wash dishes and play in the water, one of her very favorite things. In fact, I wonder if this solution might work for Miss Marley too???

We did try the Bumbo at the table, like several people suggested, but Eden still has to work to hold herself up in it, and it was too much when she was trying to eat at the same time.
And just while I am talking about equipment... I got a call from the Medical Equipment supplier and they say my insurance won't cover the pony walker. I called the insurance company AGAIN, and they say they don't know why not. Hmmmm. Maybe I am not asking the right questions. I was going to sort it out this week, but here I am sitting at the hospital. I wonder if they just give everyone the run around, hoping that you'll give up and buy it yourself with credit on ebay??? We've GOT TO HAVE the pony walker. Eden would be so upset to see it go. She is already very attached to it. In fact, last week (or was it the week before?) when she was sick, I brought her to bed with me, and she was talking IN HER SLEEP saying "walka, walka, walka." She has a one track mind. It really is super cute...until you're trying to do PT with her and she won't let you put her down, and she arches her back and stiffens up and wails "walka, walka, walka!!!"

That is the cutest thing ever, Eden saying walka in her sleep. She is too cute. Hope you are hanging in there at the hospital and at least enjoying your cappuccino!
XO Amy
Eden's legs look so long! I can't believe how grown up both girls look. Time has flown!
Insurance companies are so lame. Don't give up the fight for the Pony walker. Eden needs her freedom:) I love the idea of strapping the tumbleform chair to the tripp trapp.
"walka, walka, walka"
Maybe she was dreaming of fozzie bear?
Seriously, could your kids be cuter? I love all the pics. I am thinking of you all day and praying for a healthy recovery for Holland and sanity for Mom and Dad!
Hi- This idiot blogger once did an online fundraiser for her nanny's boob job (I'm not kidding, and she raised the funds). Maybe you could do a similar paypal fundraiser for the walker. I love your blog and would totally donate and I'm sure that others feel the same way. It might help alot. -E
I know it's been forever since I've commented (I've been following, really I have!)...
But I saw this recently in a catalog and wanted to pass on the info if you've haven't already heard:
Bumbo makes a clip-on play tray to fit the seat!
Dealing with the insurance company is a pain. I'm fighting with them over Julia's speech therapy. The trick I've learned is that when you call the customer service number and get a rep that seems to be lost, politely hang up and dial the number again until you get someone who's willing to research. There have been a few times where I've called back three times. Good luck.
She looks fabulous in the combo seat you created!! What a great idea.
As for the equipment we were turned down for a feeding chair and I admit I haven't fought back because I found something that's working http://www.keekaroo.com for us at the moment. So I believe you may be on to something...
Take care and give the family a squeeze from us!!!
Edie is so supercute.
How is HOlland doing?
So sorry to hear she is sick again. :(
I will be praying.
Billie, I am so sorry you aren't home yet. I am sure Holly is getting better though each day and is a day closer to coming home. Little Eden looks like such a big girl in her seat. I am glad that you guys found a way to make it work. Looks like she enjoys it. Girl, do I know about insurance. It can be like having a second job. Marley has a nurse case manager at our primary insurance and I call her and she is very helpful. Those customer serv. reps. are another story. Eden probably has one at your ins. co. I would call and ask if she has one or if John's co. has a person that handles the ins. Jeremy's co. does and she has been helpful too. Good luck with that. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. Hope you get to bring your babe home soon! Love ya Jeremy, Heather and Miss Marley
Have you considered a stander?
We have been using a Rifton stander with Eden for over a year now. We still try to get her in there as much as we can, but it has gotten much tougher since the walker, because she throws such a fit!
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