I got to go to lunch today. I went with a group of people from work to meet our new School Social Worker. I say "I got to go" because it's just the kind of thing that I don't really get to do much anymore. Lunch out, with a group of adults and no kids. To top it off, my parents decided to take my kids to Greenfield Village, and I had a few hours to myself!!!
Guess what I did? After lunch, I stopped at the eye doctor to pick up the contacts that I ordered in January. Then I came home and called to schedule a hair appointment. I haven't had my hair cut in 5 months, and haven't had the color done in close to a year. While I was at it, I also scheduled a doctor's appointment for myself, and an appointment to have my teeth cleaned!! WooHoo! Anyone with kids, and even more so those with twins, know that this is no small feat. Now, I just have to figure out who is going to watch the girls so I can actually GET to the appointments:)
It is so tricky to run errands. When I am feeling adventurous, I can take the girls with me to do a trip to the grocery store, or to run to Target or the mall. It's the little trips, where I need to just run in quickly to get one thing, that are hard. It's VERY difficult to find the time to go to the post office, for example. Or just to run in to pick up my contacts. I can't leave them in the car, but it is SO much work to get them out of the car and loaded into the stroller just to run in then come back out and load them back into the car.
I bet it's only going to get harder. I can only imagine unloading a big power wheelchair every time I need to go somewhere. I better start working out. In my spare time...
I'm glad you got to do the lunch thing and run some errands without the two kid hassle. Wishing you more "free" days in the future;)
Omy I know what you mean... I have two boys two years apart and it is just as hard! They both don't walk yet - so small trips are v v hard! I usually end up leaving one with my husband and taking one with me. I LOVE being able to go to the grocery store by myself-- it is truly a treat!
You know nieces and nephews are great for riding around to do quick errands where you can't leave them home but don't want to leave them in the car by themselves:)
hahaha you are too funny. I also get so frustrated when I have to unload Ashton to run in somewhere for a minute. Feeding tube, stroller that weighs a ton...hot weather. Makes for a cranky mommy :)
I hope that you are able to get to your appointments...a hair cut sounds like a good idea. I haven't had one in almost a year!!!
Big hugs from us to you, Billie. I know what you mean about the hair (I have taken to using the boxed color stuff not only cause it's cheaper but because there is no time for a two hour appointment with my now-former hairdresser) and if it were not for the fact that I live in the city and use the stroller for grocery shopping, we'd be eating the old stuff in boxes and cans at the back of the pantry exclusively.
I am glad that you got out today and I wish we lived close enough to you because I would love watching the girls.
Great pics! You have the coolest toys. I would love to watch the girls while you went to an appointment. Seriously! My house or yours.
As a side note - I spent 2.5 hours at the grocery store yesterday, by myself. It was heaven...
I'm only a phone call away if you need to do a get away hair appointment...eye appointment...you have my number!
P.S. I wanna come play in the pool too!! :)
Is that why you have long hair too? I haven't had my hair cut in such a long time. I need to get it cut off as Sumo has just decided that he will pull it out for me (as if it's not falling out on it's own accord anyway). I know what you mean about errands ;-)
Wow a haircut would be wonderful. It has been... a year.. for me too! I hope you can make your appointments!
Hey Billie, I'm glad you were able to get out and have some you time. I know I have told you this before, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to mention it again; I would love to watch the girls anytime you need to get out.
Glad you got a little time to yourself.
Hopefully you can get a babysitter when you need to. I know how hard that is!
So nice that you had time to get out.I actually went to get my hair trimmed after 5 months as well. I rarely venture out by myself, I live on the second floor and trying to carry both S and E down with their car seats and O2 tanks is a challenge. Did you ever have private duty nurses? Could you have some again? I know it can be hard with someone else in your home, but we have been so lucky, minus a couple who Edwin Sr. always says I "fired"...it just didn't work out. We have three that are amazing. One is a NICU nurse from our NICU, another has been doing private duty for 25 plus years, and the other is her daughter, a nurse who herself has a preemie and works in labor and delivery. They are a HUGE help, especially when I need to run down to the grocery store and Edwin isn't home. It took awhile for me to leave the kids alone with them...months actually, but I finally feel confident and they are really a life saver. Just thought I'd mention it. And thanks for the compliment about my twins. You're right, boy oh boy do we have some adorable twins! :)
There are a lot of things about having twins that I love but I regularly suffer from single baby envy. I have only recently begun to take the boys out to visit my friend for a cup of tea because before now I haven't been able to convince myself that it is worth all the effort.
I love my boys desperately but I'm not afraid to admit that the times when I can go out and just take 1 of them with me are blissful!
And it looks like the evil twin-envy fairy resides in your house too :-) funny that she is perfectly fair in dishing out her unfair huh :-)
I found the growth charts here:
Sorry..., I don´t spoken English very well.
I love photos of yours blog.
Your daughters are very beautiful.
They have grown very quickly.
for the wheelchair thing...get a wheelchair van. its a van where the middle seats are taken out and wheelchair buckles are put in and a ramp is installed. i think the grand cherokee vans or something like that do that kind of stuff. makes trips with rebekah sooooo easy.
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