She asked to use the potty three times today. The first time, we got nothing. The second time she peed, and the last time she POOPED!!!
Yay Holland!
I just can't imagine her potty trained. It's weird. Makes her seem so...grown.
Twin girls H & E were born prematurely at 24 weeks 3 days gestation in the summer of 2004. At birth H was 1 lb 3.5 oz, 11.5", E 1 lb 5.5 oz, 12". This is their story...
Yay poop!
Go Holland!
way to go holland! WOO HOO!
Yay Holland! You go, girl (and keep going...)!
Well I hope everyone did the potty dance!!!
Great job Holland!
Jules :)
Congratulations!! This will sure make life easier & the diaper bag lighter! :-)
Awesome! Yay Holland!
OMG, go girl. That is great especially poo poo I hear that is the toughest challenge. You are an awesome mom. Tracy
Yahoo Holland! You are getting so big!!!!
Yay Holland!! What a wonderful news!!
That is so amazing. I'm so proud of her.
In politics today we were talking about health care in the states (we're from Canada)...and someone brought up Holland and Eden!!! So many people are finding your blog and raising awareness about prematurity!
Awesome! Go Holland!
We have the opposite problem: we've mastered the pee, but the poop still ends up in the underwear: I'm so grossed out! :) :)
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