Thank you all so much for the kind words and positive thoughts that you sent our way during Holland's recent illness. We survived, and in the grand scheme of things, three nights in the hospital with a cold is obviously small potatoes. However, it certainly helps us to know that so many of you out there care about our family, and kept us in your thoughts and prayers.
While I was whining about three sleepless nights, my blog-friend Korinna has been going through a lot more. Will you all please visit
her blog and send some of those prayers and positive vibes in her direction? I know she, and her little Lena, could really use it.

i haven't had a chance to comment the last few days, i've been busy with my 15 month old terror, i mean toddler... but i have been sending many thoughts and prayers your way. congrats on being home! i will go off and send korinna and lena some great prayers and vibes as well.
Hi Billie,
My name is Hallie. I found your blog this morning as I was searching for micropreemies. I found yours and I immediatly started reading from your very first post until your very last post. I am so very thankful I found it. I have a 3 year old little girl who was born at 25 weeks gestation. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday morning for a cold that turned into pneumonia. I was wondering if I could use your blog as a link on my page. I am about to make a blog because yours has inspired me to do so. God Bless you and all of your family.
I am so glad that Holland is home and happy! So glad it didn't turn to pneumonia. Will continue praying for your princesses through the winter.
So glad to see Holland home playing with Eden! Glad you guys survived the stay in the hospital. I hope it's your last for this year.
Yay!! I'm thrilled to see your sweeties playing happily. So glad the hospital is over.
thier absolutely adorable.
I'm so glad you're home! Love the pictures!
Jacolyn the yellow chair! what kind is it? you are the best at finding great equipment. Thanks!
Thank you Billie,
When Korrina first had her babies, I went searching the Internet for Moms of preemies. We needed encouragement. Your blog was one of the ones I'd found.
11 months later, I have tears in my eyes realizing you and Korrina have connected.
Thanks for paying it forward. You made my week.
Korrina's Auntie Linda
Lena is doing better now, thanks for all the positive vibes via your blog post. We truely appreciate it. We will be coming home soon. Keep checking for updates. I promise to post pics of my growing girls as soon as we get home. They grow too fast, any way to keep them small a little longer?
Glad that your girls are healthy again. Hope you can stay out of the hospital this cold and flu season.
Sorry I didn't know the girls were sick as it had been a hectic week for me. Your mom told me at the quilting day. I hope everyone stays healthy now. I sure seems to be going around at school. Your're in my prayers.
Love, Kris
PS- Look at the ride that tryke!
I love Hollands Shirt, is that from the March of Dimes walk this year? Glad she's feeling better and all seems to be well!
I have an award that Holand can be in come vist to see what it is
Hi Billie,
The girls look adorable as always. Where did you get that yellow seat that Eden is sitting in? It looks like it offer some good support.
I am sooooo glad you are home! I have been thinking fo you all daily! Hope to see you soon.
Jacolyn and Vickie,
The yellow chair is actually a potty that attaches to the top of a toilet. We LOVE this seat as Eden sits SO well in it. Better than anything else we have tried for floor sitting, as well as the potty.
It was made by a Swedish company called Swereco. Our PT brought it by to try out. Unfortunately, it is an outdated model (5 years ago) and they don't make that particular one anymore. The new version doesn't look as perfect, and I haven't been able to find any used ones out there on ebay or elsewhere...
I haven't checked in for a couple weeks...didn't know Holland was in the hospital. Glad to read all is well again...beautiful pictures!
Billie, I'm so sorry to hear that Holland was in the hospital again. oh dear the night-time nurses. They are low on the totem pole at work (who WANTS to work the night shift). A nurse friend of mine couldn't wait to get off the night shift so she could work with people she actually liked (sorry night nursers out there in blog land).
SO glad to hear Holland is back home. Kaitlyn has had 2 colds back to back, but thankfully , her daily inhaled steroid (while she's been healthy) has kept the stuff out of her lungs. But of course it affects her willingness to eat - what a surprise there.
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