Well, we officially survived night two. I HATE staying overnight at the hospital. I know that there are many, many amazing nurses out there in the world, and especially at this hospital. We love many of them, we really do. But must they specifically relegate the crappy nurses to the nighttime shift? Why? We all know how important it is to get a good night's sleep, so why must you interrupt the sleeping baby ALL NIGHT long? Repeatedly? Have a little bit of compassion. I know you are just trying to do your job, but WHY do we need to be interrupted every hour? Is it really vital that you know her blood pressure and temperature at 3am when she is sound asleep? Could you please try to coordinate so we don't have a nurse in at 12am, a tech in here at 1, and respiratory coming in at 2? And why can't you open the door quietly? Why do you insist on TALKING to her? When you try to comfort her and tell her "it's okay" you just upset her more. She doesn't believe you. In fact, she doesn't want to hear your voice at all! If anyone should say anything, it must be her mom. You're going to wake her up and I just spent TWO hours getting her to fall asleep!!! Turn down the damn lights in the hallway so we aren't blinded every time you open the door. And shut off that stupid alarm that keeps going off RIGHT OUTSIDE our door. In Holland's words..."Makin Me Cwazy!"
Thanks for listening. I feel so much better now. Just needed to get that off my chest!
We'll definitely be here again tonight. I refuse to make any predictions about tomorrow. Holland's words again..."Can I go home now?" "Can I sweep in my bed?"
Poor Baby!! They just aren't fair in a hospital are they? I wish for a speedy recovery!!
That's really crappy that you have to start the beginning of cold and flu season in the hospital. We hope Holland gets better soon and you can get home and get sleep. The sleep deprivation there is enough to drive you mad. Ask your night nurse tonight to try and coordinate some of her care so you can all get some rest.
I've only commented a couple of times on your site, but I read your updates every single day. I am so sorry to hear that Holland is sick. Amen to Holland's comment that the hospital is making her "cwazy!" What a cutie! I truly feel your pain, let the kid sleep for goodness sake... I'm sure if the nurses took shifts trying to put a sick baby in an unfamiliar environment to bed they'd let her sleep an uninterrupted 8 hours! Anyways, I truly hope you BOTH can sleep in your own beds very soon. Prayers are being sent your way and your whole family is in my mind and in my heart. Hoping that the next post actually finds you at the Hilton!
In with the good air, out with the BAAAAAaaAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Hope ya feel better :)
So sorry Holland has to be in the hospital again!!! I totally share your frustrations about night nurses at the hospital - we've had very similar experiences, unfortunately. Don't they know Holland and you need your sleep to recover quickly? Makes me cwazy just thinking about it!!!
I am sorry that the nurses are so disruptive- I know sleep deprivation must be driving you batty!
I am keeping you all in my prayers that you will soon be sleeping in your own beds. Give Holland an extra get well kiss from all of her fans!
Oh I absolutely feel for you Billie! I can't stand when the nurses are in and out all of the time. I have learned to put my foot down :)
Big hugs for Holland and I hope she gets home VERY soon!
I hope Holland feels better really soon. It's so cute, though, that she is sitting there, playing a game...
Oh my, can we relate. Having spent numerous nights in the hospital with Daniel. I would simply tell the nurses that they would have to wait for him to wake up. And the beeping...sweet Jesus...you wouldn't happen to be on the 5th floor at Children's Hospital, would ya?
Hang in there.
Oh not again! I'm sorry you're going through this. S&E have a nasty cold and last night we almost made a trip to the ER ourselves...thankful things seem better tonight.
You must be so annoyed with the nurses. Let her sleep for goodness sake. Every other child in the world who doesn't feel well is encouraged to get "a good nights sleep." Why in the hospital do they insist on making that impossible? I can't get better if I don't get at least 8 straight hours. How is little Holland suppose to? ugh..I'm annoyed for you.
hang in there, billie. we're all out there pulling for holland to sweep in her own bed soon!
Oh those darn night time nurses. My daughter had surgery almost a year ago when she was 16 months and she was in a ton of pain...screaming and crying when she was awake. I was seriously furious by the time morning came. Every time they would come in they weren't quiet and she would scream for at least a half hour then another half hour later there they were again. It sucks! I hope you guys get to come home today.
Is it possible to stick a sign on the door? I can't believe that the nurses just don't get it. Well, yes I can - they're the same the world over.
Hope you're out of there soon.
I am a peds nurse so I had to comment. I totally understand what you are talking about- hospitals are the worst place to heal. I was just a patient a couple weeks ago when I had a new baby and I didnt sleep at all the two nights that we were there- loud roommate, constant interuptions from nurses, aides, etc...even though I was hoping to get a little shut-eye after labor and before I went home with a newborn!
You can dictate the terms though- most of the time what the nurses are checking and doing are dictated by their charting requirements- they have to do x number of vitals and checks and chart them. You can tell them (and it's best to do so at the start of night shift at 7 PM) "hi- Holland really needs some good sleep tonight so if I could refuse midnight vitals on her that would be great" Then make sure the aide knows this too. The nurse can chart "refused" in her charting and everyone should be happy...Just make clear to them that you want as few interuptions as possible- and that it is fine to chart that you are refusing vitals, checks, etc. Obviously if Holland were really sick you wouldn't want this- but it sounds like in this case, since they're monitoring her O2 levels constantly, she's fine skipping a set of vitals.
The nurses are just having to meet certain requirements- trust me- I'd so much rather let a child sleep sometimes but legally I can't.
Hope this puts it in perspective.
Hope she feels better soon!
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