Really, who woulda thought we'd end up here, 14 years later.
I wonder sometimes, when I am feeling down, if he had known then what he knows now would he have stuck it out? Or would he have run screaming the other way?
We have been through the ultimate test of our relationship over the past few years. It is understandable that many couples faced with these challenges do not make it. Our lives are so much different than they would have been otherwise, if we had had full term healthy babies.
In the end though, I think, even if he had known, he would have taken me on anyway. The bond we have is up to the challenge. We compliment each other, respect each other, and really like each other (most of the time). We connect on an emotional level, in a way that I can't imagine connecting with anyone else. We enjoy each other's company (most of the time), and after all these years, I just really like to talk to him. I think he likes to talk to me too. We laugh at each other's jokes, and act goofy with our kids.
When we have a moment to breath, take a step back, and look at the bigger picture, it's completely clear. We are insanely and completely in love with each other, with our girls, and with the quirky little family we have created.
After all, what's NOT to love???

You're making me cry! So glad you have someone that you connect with and that you've made it through all the hard times that come with having kids with special needs. You are amazing Bille!
awwww! happy anniversary!
It has been said, and I think it true in your case; From great love, comes great love.
Your girls are certainly a reflection of the love you and John have for one another. Congrats on 14 years!
And let it be said as one who knew you both way back then, it was meant to be!
I'm smilin over here just thinking back to those days :)
Love you all,
I too am smiling thinking of those days way back when. You should have posted a picture of the two of you (now I'm smiling more, hee hee). Much love to you both!!!!! Jess
Very sweet.
XO Amy
what a beautiful family you have. congratulations on your strength, love, and for being an inspiration. your girls are so darn cute they make me smile just looking at them.
Love blooms where those are truly have a garden full of love!! You guys are beautiful...honestly I love reading here every chance I get!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, any pictures from way back when?
How refreshing to read your post. Truly, your love shines through in all the pictures of you and John with your "quirky little family." You've been through test after test, and luckily, through it all, you've had each other. How blessed you are.
Congradulations on many happy years. Your girls are beautiful. I love watching them grow up in the videos. They remind me of my little cousins (ages 3 1/2 and 5), especially the video you had of Eden walking her toy dog. I have a video of my two cousins walking each other on our dog's leash. They seem to be fascinated with walking things on leashes at that age. Despite their special needs H and E are typical three-year-olds.
Congratulations, Billie and John! You guys are really amazing together. You rock!
Hi Billie,
I have been reading your story for a long time & it has been so wonderful to watch the girls grow. You & John are just wonderful parents & yes the only way a couple can get through this is LOVE! We had a daughter 28 yrs ago & she was 2 lbs. 14oz.--
You are really an inspiration to all! :) Sandy
Wow! How wonderful to still be in such love after so many trials and tribulations... how wonderful that you can speak about your spouse and your relationship in such an endearing way! Congratulations, for now and for always!
So nicely put! You two do not look like you coul dhave been together for 14 years! congrats!
You've been quiet lately. I look forward to hearing how the girls are doing.
Your hubby sounds like a dear and no doubt loves you madly. And why shouldn't he? You are a beautiful woman inside and out who is driven to live life to its utmost.
And you share two pretty cool kids ;)
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