Monday, November 19, 2007

Fashion Show Pics

Sorry, the pics aren't great, but you get the idea... I don't usually post pics of other people on my blog, but since Allison and Shannon both have their own blogs, I think they are fair game:)

Set One: "A Family Affair"

My Family

Allison's Family

Shannon's Family

Set Three: "Holiday Celebration"


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

you all look beautiful!

Twinmommy2boys said...

What a lovely family you guys look wonderful, and I loved the speech.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous family, gorgeous hair, billie, and gorgeous hair john :) teehee. I kid. I kid. You're family looked fabulous up there.

Allison said...

Thanks for the pic. I don't have one that will post. Can you e-mail me one!

Anonymous said...

I second that: you all are beautiful and your girls are just cutie pies!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I really LOVE the third one. You look beautiful in the dark dress. You are a lovely family!

Jennifer said...

Beautiful families!

I love the dark dress on you too - it looks great!

Amy said...

Of course the girls look beautiful--that's a given. But you, my friend, are stunning.

Snickollet said...

You are all gorgeous!

Brooklyn said...

You look awesome, you are a beautiful gal anyway but these are fabulous. The girls look amazing too!! (John - not bad yourself!) It looks like you all had a fabulous time, your speech was wonderful as well! Keep up the great work as a mom, wife, and inspiration!
Kelly, Brooklyn's mommy

Ani said...

Oh! I love that last formal dress picture. You all looked stunning!

Melissa said...

Such a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Billie, You look GORGEOUS!!! Your whole family does actually! I just want to squeeze and kiss Holland & Eden! They were so pretty in their little holiday dresses!!! You must be very proud of your beautiful family :)


Anonymous said...

Did you guys get to keep the dresses and such? They really look good on all of you!! Hope you guys have a great thanksgiving!!

kristin said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair!

amyinbc said...

You 4 are too freaking gorgeous! And you my dear look STUNNING.

Jacolyn said...

What a beautiful family!!