I can't remember being this excited about a snowstorm before! Finally, Holland got her wish. Alas, it just isn't good packing snow, so no snowman today. I'm hoping as it warms up over the next couple of days we'll have more luck with that:)
The first big snowfall of winter is just one of those things that is so much more fun when you have little people to share it with!
Wow you all are so lucky you get snow! All I am getting is cold rain. Enjoy it!
Let's hope for a SNOW DAY with no school!! :)
Speaking of snow - Us too!! Almost two feet out there. We took Lincoln out for the first time and let him stand in it. Not sure if he was impressed.
Beautiful pictures....looks like you two had a blast! How fun!!
Wow! They are so beautiful and of course, cute! Love the pics.
You are so brave!!!!
After spending 3 hrs shoveling, it was already time for lunch and nap... and then they didn't wake up until very late. After bottle and dinner, it was too dark to go out. :(
So sweet & fun!
I want little kids to take out in the snow and to get them hyped up about Santa. Our house is seriousally lacking in kids.
I'm so jealous! We never get snow here. IF we do, it's just a dusting- not nearly enough to play in!
Adorable pictures!
Snow??? What's that?? If we get anything, it's always ice.
The high today is 56 and by Friday, it will be almost 70. No snow here.
I think that H&E really favor in the 1st pic..I'm so jealous, we hardly ever get snow here, lots of freezing rain but no snow...
I grew up in Michigan and we live in Miami. While most people would love to get down here and thaw out, I miss the snow. Your girls look awesome in their little snowsuits enjoying the snow. What great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Those pictures are just ridiculously cute!
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