We are having a heck of a time getting Holland to take all of the medication she is on right now. As far as the cold goes, she is getting better. Still some stuffiness, and occasional wheezing, but mostly better. But she is still on an antibiotic for an ear infection, and the oral steroid Prednisolone for the lung/breathing issues, in addition to her usual Zyrtec and Singulair.
The steroid tastes like CRAP, and she HATES taking it. I know how bad it is because I tasted it. It is such a sad, dramatic battle, that I can hardly stand it. She has to take it twice a day for 4 days, but she's already thrown it completely up twice, so we'll probably have to redose those. It sucks. It's a nightmare trying to get her to take it, then she gags and retches, and ends up throwing up. She cries so hard, puts her hands up over her face, and throws her head back. We try to hold her down and she thrashes all around. We've tried to keep our cool, and bribe her with everything in the book. Nothing is working.
In addition to that, side effects of the medication include irritability, mood swings, and difficulty sleeping. Well, we've got that. To the total extreme.
Any advice? At least a little empathy? Anything? Please...Help...
She's making me crazy.

On a happier note...Holland and Eden both got gifts from their secret Santas. They both LOVE them SO much. A great big THANK YOU to Brooke and Nathan (and their moms!). It was REALLY fun to get presents in the mail, and both girls received gifts that were perfectly suited for them:) We greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. Merry Christmas!
I saw at Walgreens when I was getting Tyse's meds that they have favorite flavors to put in children's medicine. I don't know if they can do that with steroids. Tyse's takes steroids too when he has breathing problems but we give it to him via G-Tube because you're right...it taste awful. I hope that helps you. Have a good christmas.
Grape pop worked last night, did you try it again today? Hope she gets better fast. Love ya
Try the grape flavoring at Walgreens but you have to have the doctor write on the script that they can add flavor and it would have to be a new rx (good luck on Christmas Eve right.) If that does not work try mixing it with chocolate syrup yourself. Or if you get a hold of the doctor consider asking for the pill form also horrible tasting but if you can break it in 1/4s and stick it in a spoonful of yougart that is better than flavoring etc... I have been through this with my son. No fun. I hope she gets better.
When my little one had to take Clindamycin, it was HORRIBLE! The worst stuff I EVER tasted. We got Snack Pack dark fudge pudding and promised him he could "chase" the icky meds with it. It worked after many fights and throwing up. Also, when you hold her down to take it (you might know this already), put the syringe on the side of her mouth so it goes down her cheek instead of all the way on her tongue. It will avoid many tastebuds. Poor thing!
I feel for you and her!
Also, happy to see Eden got in the wheelchair. Cool!
I hope this helps!
I've been on the pred, and the side effects are that crazy. I don't know if you can do it based on her other meds, but that is the only time I will actually take something like ambien, depending on which antibiotic I'm on. Also, Xanax is helpful, for you or her!
From a patient's perspective, I can say that prednisone is my LEAST favorite drug. The side effects are horrible and the withdrawal is just as bad. Is there any other form you can get it in besides liquid?
How about a steroid inhaler and frequent nebs? Or are you on that?
Kellars didn't taste bad, it had a grape flavor to me...But the restlessness, oh my gosh I was so worried I videotaped him one night flopping around and moving his legs like he was running a marathon for his dr to look at, but then I got to thinking he only really seems to be so restless when he's sick, which in turn he ends up on breathing treatments and steroids..Hope she gets to feeling better soon!!!!
If your insurance will pay for brand names, I would ask the doctor to write for OraPred and not allow the generic substitution (prednisolone). Supposedly OraPred doesn't have the aftertaste like the generics, and that's why they can charge more ::wink:: No, really, we prescribe that in clinic over the generic for that reason. Good luck!
My son had to take this just a few weeks ago. We use Walgreens also and the pharmacist suggested the flavoring because he said the meds alone tasted HORRIBLE. We did not need permission from the doctor or a new prescription. My son ask for watermelon flavoring. Best $2.99 spent! He took the medicine like a champ and told me he didn't even need a drink of water after. I'll definitely use the flavoring again.
Let me third or fourth the flavoring suggestion. We get everything flavored at CVS (whether or not it already is supposed to have some flavor, like Hallie's reglan). It's a total godsend and 2.99 is such a reasonable price to pay for her taking her meds so easily.
I think they'll even do it if you bring in the bottle that you already have and beg them to do it---I was able to get this done at another CVS when the first one (the one where I usually get meds) was out of flavoring.
We did not need a script for the flavoring either -- just paid our 3 bucks and that was that. Bubblegum and Watermelon get rave reviews around here.
Wishing you guys the merriest of christmases...
Oral steroids are so nasty, I was on one when I had systemic poison ivy, it was hard enough to make my 23 year old self take those pills too, can't imagine getting a kid to take them (course my niece is a pain to give meds to, even candy flavored ones). I think I lucked out as far as the side effects go, that or I was so messed up from the poison ivy I didn't notice them. Taking the pills made me gag and I usually chased them with cottage cheese and or cantaloupe, the problem with mixing them with food sometimes is if the food gets the flavor of it then you have to eat a lot more nastiness. So you and Holly have my sympathy and I hope that some of the other sage advice works and you get through this soon! At least she's cute ;). Merry Christmas!
Empathy is all I have for you! Sorry! This sounds torturous!! And it's not like you can hide it into food since getting her to eat is challenging on it's own, right? Good luck!!
I am so happy to see that Eden tried her chair and LOVED it! I can't wait to see how Ashton does in his trials in the beginning of the New Year.
Merry Christmas guys!!!
sorry about the meds merry chrismass
Hi Billie. Bit of a lurker here, but I wanted to commiserate with poor Holland. Those oral cortisone tablets are revolting. They get stuck in your mouth and just won't go down, all the while releasing a bitter taste in one's mouth. I know, I've taken more than my fair share.
Water doesn't help much, but what I have noticed works, is having it with some food. Try giving her something she likes to eat with it, chocolate should be good. What I do is chew the food until I'm ready to swallow, and then pop the tablet in just before it goes down. Something liquid, but thick, like yoghurt, or a nice, thick shake might help, too. Worth a shot, anyway. (I don't know if she's supposed to take it on an empty stomach, but I'm only talking about a mouthful or two here, not a whole meal.
Hope you can figure something out that works.
Hi Billie,
Since Julia is on the gtube, I have no advice about taste but....when Julia was on Pred, she was bouncing all over the place. Both the NP and pharmacist said it was ok to give her a very small dose of Benedryl. Just enough to take some of the edge off. Check with your doctor.
The pharmacist can add flavors called Flavorx (they have a website). Walmart also sells Flavorite (I think) for $10 that you add yourself. It is on the wall directly beside the pharmacy at my store.
I used Flavorx on the advice of my psychiatrist because I'm a gagger on meds and it actually tasted good. I used bubblegum on some med that was pretty horrid.
William had severe croup after Thanksgiving and our Ped gave us the option of giving William the oral prednisone or giving him one shot. We opted for the injection... very glad I did.
Not sure if that is an option for Holland but I think that one shot is better than the daily meds battle.
M has oral aversion and it is impossible to get her to take meds out of a syringe. I have to hide them in food or drink. Since she hasn't had to have oral steroids, I have no suggestions about what might hide the flavor (if anything).
Good luck and I hope Holland feels better soon.
Oh, and ask your Ped if you can try Holland on some Melatonin (OTC) at night while she is still suffering from the steroid side effects. It might help her get some rest at the very least.
It works for me but not sure if it is okay to give children.
As Elizabeth vomits with all meds we either hide it in her milk and add chocolate or freezies. Freezies numb the tastebuds therefore her mouth will be numb and the experience will not be as horrible, its also a good bribe.
You should look into Slippery Elm, Kathryn had recommended it and as well as helping with reflux and it also helps with the formation of cilia in the respiratory tract. It is suggested to give with colds, you will have to hide it in her food. Hope the girls had a great Christmas.
there is a chewable steroid that my son was given for croup - highly recommend calling your doctor and discussing the options of what else is out there. one of my boys doesn't mind medicine at all and even he threw a fit with the pred and that was after it was flavored! i would call and ask for a chewable or the shot. the doctors have options and they would rather your child get better. another $10-20 is way better than the fight!
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