My mom and I took the girls to their first dentist appointment a few weeks back. It went great, no cavities, nice clean teeth, and REALLY good behavior. Surprisingly good, actually. A few tears from Eden in the beginning, but once she figured out that she got a new toothbrush and a prize from the box, she was cool with it. I was proud of them. The best part of the visit however, was a little conversation that took place in the waiting room...
Holland approached a little girl, about four years old, and said, "hi, I'm Holland, what's your name? Do you want to play with me?" The girl did not respond. Holland tried a couple more times, but the girl didn't answer, and eventually got up and walked away. My mom says to Holland, "I don't think she heard you." And Holland, in her sweet little inquisitive voice responds, "she doesn't have her headband on?"
Oh so sweet!!!!
Do you think you'll have more kids? I too am a mom of preemie twins and cannot decide.
Don't you love how accepting kids are? Holland just takes it for granted that not everyone will be exactly like her. A true blessing.
That is to cute!
That's adorable!
Well done Holland for being so open and friendly! I also think it's great she's noticed how Edie needs her headband to hear and realised the other girl in the dentists office might be the same. Thanks for sharing Billie!
so cute!
i usually just read and don't comment, but i was just watching the movie Princess Diaries with my daughter and i dont know if you've seen that movie, but there are these twin girls in one scene and one is in a wheelchair/walker contraption and the other is not...it looks like the one in the wheelchair has a form of CP or the like...i immediately thought of your girls and cannot say enough about how I admire you and all that you do...you and your girls are a true inspiration!
Hoping your having a great mothers day Billie!
First time commenter on here.
Awwww, I think my heart just melted. Can I steal your girls, please? I DID say please... ;)
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day x2.
That is just so cute!
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