Really. You have no idea how happy this makes me. Eden can finally do it!
Hooray for the little things:)
Twin girls H & E were born prematurely at 24 weeks 3 days gestation in the summer of 2004. At birth H was 1 lb 3.5 oz, 11.5", E 1 lb 5.5 oz, 12". This is their story...
Yeah Eden!! The girls seem just as happy to go into Target as you and I do. They've learned well from their mama! Luv Ya Liz
I feel ya! I'm waiting for the day when mine can sit in a grocery cart!
Hurray for Eden!!
I had to comment on this one! I actually started to cry in the parking lot at Target on the day that Riley was finally able to sit up and share that same cart with Ross. The things most people take for granted are just so poignant for our kiddos! Way to go Eden!
That's awesome!!!!!!!
Oh, I'm jealous! I've said all along if Elvis could just sit in a shopping cart, my life would be so much easier. I felt so silly for thinking and saying that. He's overcome such challenges in his short life. Sitting in a shopping cart seems so minor. But, oh for the day he can do this!
Eden, you've given me hope! Yay for you!
I love seeing your girls grow and learn new things. It must be even more rewarding when you didn't know if she'd be able to do this. If I have kids, it will probably be later in life but if and when I do, I hope I have ones that are as charming and engaging as your girls.
I get it, I so totally GET it...
I like those carts because life can just be "normal" for a few moments while filling my cart at Wal-Mart...lol
Love the pic!!!
Way to go Eden!!!! Target rocks....
Billie mind if I email you about something?
It's so funny you posted this today b/c I took Nina to Target today and was thrilled she fit in the cart seat! She was always too small and "floppy" in it! Yes making huge memories at Target!
That's great!
Happiness, no kidding. Eden looks as if she's having a blast!
Really?!? How exciting! I actually just called my MIL over to look at this picture and she started crying, too.
Oh how I totally agree. How absolutely wonderful!!!!!!
Love it! Does this make you spend more?
That is AWESOME!!! So proud of you, Eden!!!
What great news! So proud of Eden!
I remember how long it took for Hannah to be able to sit up in the cart and what a huge milestone it was for us. Those are the things that make us realize how far our kids have come. Go Eden! Happy shopping:)
Yeah Eden!!!!!!
I'm anxiously awaiting the day Addison can sit in the cart. Right now I have to lug the pumpkin seat in the trunk, then transfer her into it and back to her regular car seat. Or just leave her at home, which is no fun!
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