Saturday, June 07, 2008

How much do we love summer?

This much!


Anonymous said...

Summer vacation is great, especially since you have little ones to share it with. Lots of wading pools and spray parks. :)

Kellars Mommy said...

Cute as always!!!

Anonymous said...

Could Holland and Eden get any CUTER?? You are able to capture so many great expressions. Whenever I see their smiles it makes my day.
Thanks for keeping us all updated Billie!

Anonymous said...

How much do I love these pictures?


Heike Fabig said...

Enjoy it girls. We're in the middle of a rainy winter, and can't wait for it to end. Shorts and T-shirts, ice cream on the beach, jumping in the pool, the smell of freshly cut grass - summer is the BEST!

CG said...

Eden looks so much bigger in that picture. Is just because it is close up?

By the way, I have copied your fashion for the girls a bit for this winter. I am pretty sure I saw a good many pictures where they were wearing cotton tights with different patterns. I want to do it with Izzy B.

Miracles said...

So much sweetness in those pictures!!