I thought I should share Eden's progress and recent accomplishments with the world! She is doing so awesome with her sitting and...well, I guess you have to watch to see what else:)
Friday, March 20, 2009
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Twin girls H & E were born prematurely at 24 weeks 3 days gestation in the summer of 2004. At birth H was 1 lb 3.5 oz, 11.5", E 1 lb 5.5 oz, 12". This is their story...
Crying tears of joy! Way to go Eden! You can do anything!!!!
Way to go Eden! You will do things in your time with another little angel to encourage you along the way!
Go Eden!!!
Oh my gosh this is amazing!! This brought tears to my eyes. GO EDEN!!
oh my goodness, at the end where she's crawling you can really see that her legs are getting so strong! i know i only met your girls for, like, an hour...but man, they get into a person's heart pretty fast.
Oh my god, I'm so happy for all you guys
Go Eden Go Eden GO! Go Eden go Eden GO!!!!
WTG Eden!!! You brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. What an amazing accomplishment. She looks so great and so proud of herself. :)
Damn look at the girl GO!!! SHe's made amazing progress
Keep up the good work Eden
More tears here. Eden is incredible! (And not only is she crawling, what awesome speech!)
Oh, that was just amazing to see. Eden is doing amazingly! And I adore her spirit. I did a post recently about how my little boy, Max, doesn't make the leaps-and-bounds progress he used to, but still, every little bit is miraculous seeming. As I'm sure it is to you.
That was the most awesome thing I've seen in a LONG time!
WTG Eden!!! You are an amazing little girl!
OMG!!! WTG Eden!! Keep up the good work sweetie!
I have goose bumps and tears in my eyes...love the song, soooo perfect! Yes, it does feel good! You are amazing parents and you have two amazing daughters!
Look at her GO!!!
She's so smart and determined... And STRONG! She'll be walking someday (and probably sooner than you think). :-)
Amazing! Yay Eden! Thanks so much for sharing this Billie!
AMAZING! I am all choked up watching her! She is so awesome. I have been reading your blog since the girls were born and I remember each of these milestones. I bet she will be shocking us all and WALKING before you know it!
sooooo wonderful!!! yay, eden!!!
by the way, i just love the photo of the girls taken this year by the x-mas tree. what a beautiful picture.... you can really see the bond they have for each other. so precious!
Yeah Eden! You can just see the joy in her face as she's crawling around and dancing.
You have beautiful girls.
Go Eden!!!!!Crying Tears of joy...
Yeah Eden! Amazing!! You can't tell that girl she can't do something :) Brought tears to my eyes.
I love it!! Eden and Jack would make PERFECT dance partners ;) that's his style too! Love it!!
That is awesome!!!!
You're amazing, Eden!
I have been reading your blog for a while now! And that's absolutly amazing! WTG Eden!! You must be so incredibly proud!!
Amazing. So amazing.
Eden, you give me hope!!!
WOW Eden! You're amazing! :) You made my day.
Wow! This is GREAT! I remember in the beginning a doctor had some very pessimistic predictions for Eden. I can't wait until you post the video when she's walking. Eat that, Doctor Doom!
You go, Eden!
Wow. The sky is the limit for Eden.
This is wonderful. You go, girl, Eden! How much PT does she get weekly? She really looks really good. This is so heartening
Oh my! Kenna is crying! That is so beautiful...what a lovely, strong girl you are, Edie! I am so thankful for you!
Wow, what a girl you have Billie. So determined, so strong. With will like that she will go farther than anyone can even dream. She is truly a gift to all of us who have come to know her. Perfect compliment to Holland/ Their love for each other will be with them forever. They are just an amazing pair.
Hey there!!! I have been following your story in the last month and i think ive read it from front to back. My little man Bailey was born at 29 weeks and we are having some issues lately with him. I would like to thank you fro sharing your story because it made me relise that i'm not alone :) You even made me get myself out of gear and start my own blog lol. Also wanted to say GO EDEN GO EDEN GO GO GO xxx
Wow, awesome job! Fantastic!
I'm proud of you, too!
Thanks for sharing, Billie. I love your cute little puppies!
Never had a doubt she would do it!
With the 3 of you behind her, she can do anything! (oops, sorry Zippo, you're included too!)
Love you all,
What awesome steps for her independence! This is incredible!! :) Way to go, big girl! I love how even when she loses her ground, she hops right back up, no big deal. What an amazing girl.
Great job Eden! Thanks for sharing this!
Way to go Eden...you are incredible!
A little teary-eyed over here. . . and hopeful!
YAY!!! I started crying tears of joy watching her. There's no doubt in my mind she'll be walking one day.
Billie, you and Eden both give me such inspiration and hope!
I've been following your story for quiet a while now - I can't even remember when I started. Maybe summer? I've read almost the entire thing, except for a few months in the middle. I doubt that I've ever commented before, but I don't know of a more joyous entry to comment on! I'm so proud of both of your girls, and you can add me to the list of teary-eyed viewers of this video!
YAY Eden!!!
What an amazing achievement.
from Australia
I love how she says that she's so proud at the end!!
Grat Job Eden!!!! Love see your progress!!!! :)
Walking on Sunshine!!!! This brought sunshine into my soul, and put a smile on my face. I am thankful for this miracle and I believe more are coming. Connie W.
The boys and I just watched this (yes, tears) and they wanted to know why we haven't seen Holland and Eden is such a long week!
Woot Woot! That was AWESOME. What a brave, wonderful, clever little girl is she :)
What a list of accomplishments!! She is quite the inspiration (so r u Holland)!! When you are done watching that video you find yourself with this huge grin plastered on your face. By the way Ethan LOVES watching it! We luv u guys! Liz n co.
Aunt Laura, Uncle Jason, Cody & Connor
your compilation videos are always so joyous and beautiful! eden and holland are Amazing! i have to thank you too, billie and john, for your straightforward recounting of all the hardships and joys that go with preemies. as an early intervention PT, your input is invaluable. what eden is doing for mobility is called "bunny-hopping", as opposed to crawling/creeping with alternating use of hands and knees, but i have to say my favorite is the DANCING! :) --liz
All I could do is SMILE and CRY! What Amazing accomplishments!
Way to go Eden!!! Way to go!
That's so amazing!! Go Eden!
Happy tears all the way from Denmark. What an amazing girl. What an amazing family!
WOW! Amazing accomplishments! Amazing family, you guys are great!!! This video made me feel very happy. Thank you for sharing it.
this was definitely the highlight of my day. Eden is amazing! Tell her that at least 60 other people are proud!
now that is a million dallar video! it made me so proud, and i only know her through this blog. ya'll must be bustin' with pride! way to go,eden!
I'm saying this with tears in my eyes, GO EDEN!! What an awesome little girl! Thanks for sharing that with us.
a little teary here too! WOW Eden you are doing awesome.
Can't wait to see what is next.
what an amazing little girl! go Eden!
YAY, Eden! That's really awesome. Some more tears of happiness over here, too.
Go beautiful Eden! She's wonderful...honestly who knew such a little girl could be so greatly inspirational. I love watching her (and Holland) grow and excel. Not gonna lie - the end of the video made me tear up! Thanks for sharing
Hi billi, I am sue sieferts sister Laura I want you to know you are doing a wonderful job with your two wonderful little girls, I know it can get very hard i give you tones of creidit for this you are a wonderful mom and john is a great day its hard to stay positive i know but remember god dosen't give you more then you can handle you sure must be able to handle a lot I will keep praying for your stregth and for the girls health and keep up the great work my god bless you all Laura
GO EDEN GO!!! I loved watching her dance around!
WOW! she really is an amazing girl isn't she!?!
She's ready to prove those doctors wrong!
That's incredible. She is such a trooper. All those times she would fall on her face, but get up and keep on trying. Just inspirational.
I would not be at all surprised if she walked one day. Eden is amazing.
Tears of joy over here, too.
I've been lurking around your blog for a while, but haven't posted.
Your girls are gorgeous.
Huge thumbs up to Eden's progress. Fantastic!
oh dear... she is amazing! What a fantastic video! Seriously brought tears to my eyes! She is a fighter! Go Eden Go!
WOW.. WAY TO GO! You are an amazing little girl, Eden. :-) Good job, Billie and John, she is an inspiration.
AMAZING! I'm so proud of her and she's not even my kid! Way to go Eden!!!
Hi there. I just stumbled upon your blog so I hope you don't mind strangers commenting. I am an adult prem twin by the way and some of your posts sound like the kind of ones my mum would have made about us. The reason I'm commenting is to offer you a blog make-over if you'd like one. I run a scheme called Write From The Heart and we encourages people living in difficult circumstances to write about their thoughts by offering them customised blog graphics. The graphics are designed to work with Blogger blogs and include (but are not limited to) backgrounds, headers and link buttons. We listen to your specific requests and will even re-design if you're not happy. We take requests from people who have (or have a child with) a long term or life-limiting condition, a prematurely born infant or who have lost a loved one. And we can even help you install your graphics! If you'd like a make-over then please get in touch; my link is on my profile. Thanks for your time. Louise
Congrats, Eden!! What a huge accomplishment! You are the move, girl!! I am so proud of you!
Billie, thanks for such an uplifting, amazing video!
YAY!!!! You go Eden. That is so cool you are doing an awesome job!!!!
Well that just made me smile from ear to ear (through happy tears)! Way to go Eden!
Eden is just amazing. Watching her just made my day. YAH Eden!
Thanks for sharing this Billie. She is such a beautiful girl.
your daughters are so full of life and joy, they are amazing to watch. Go Eden! :)
That is so awesome, I see pulling to stand and then walking in her future. What an awesome girl.
OK, tears are streaming down my cheeks, really Billie. Way to go Eden. I can't see, due to the tears!
What a beautiful video!
I just want you to know I follow your blog. You are such an inspiration to me. I hope someday my little Jonah will be doing things that your sweet Eden is doing in this movie. He has such poor vision but such a strong spirit, it seems this is is a shared characteristic in these sweet babies. They are determined to get a lot out of life.
All my best, Michelle Hanna
*mom to Noah and Jonah Hanna
Congratulations! I am so impressed! Eden is a perfect example of how perseverence and dedication pay off! What a determined little girl she is! I love the video - especially with the song! Thanks for sharing your celebrations so we can celebrate right along with you!
WHOOO HOOO! You go girl! Eden rocks :) But you know that!
And that gets a big ol' Fightin' Texas Aggie Whoooooooooooop! There is no stopping that child!!
Monique in TX
Way to go Eden! You give hope to all!
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