Monday, February 15, 2010

Miss Susie

Just can't get enough!


Anonymous said...

Go Eden!! You are awesome!! Luv ya Aunt Lizzie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. That left me with a smile!

Marcia said...

A heartwarming video, no doubt. Well done to Eden and all her suportive and loving family.

T said...

Yeahhh! Eden!

abby said...

Eden is rocking my world right now. Please let her know how impressed her friends in Philly are with everything that she's doing.

Joachim Mairböck said...

Super Eden! You are doing very good!

Reminds me that I should do some exercise too ;-)

Kristina said...

Yeah, Eden! Way to go! She looks like she is having so much fun and not even noticing how hard she is working - I love when the kids do that!

Anonymous said...

She's awesome!


Anonymous said...

Go Eden! How exciting!!

Katy said...

Who knew those rhymes could have theraputic value?

Kristin said...

I love it! And I love how Holland is just watching in awe :-)

Shannon said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!
So excited for all of you! Do you think that she will ever appreciate how much she outdoes herself every day? You never know what wonderful things the future holds!

Unknown said...

Wow, wow, wow. How about that?

Megan said...

So excited to have found your site. My daughter Sadie was born at 25 weeks on the dot... weighing 500 grams (1 lb. 1 1/2 ounces). She's 3 now...and doing amazing things! She has CP..and a G-tube...and some other stuff going on... but pretty amazing! So glad to meet you!
Excited to "follow" your blog!

the three amigos said...

Would you look at her go! She is really mastering balance and coordination!

Go Eden!

Kathryn said...

Billie, That is wonderful! Go Eden!!! Awe - now that just made my day!

CP and Me said...

Look at her go! This is so HUGE! Good for her. May she continue to surprise you with new tricks all the time:) Thanks btw for the support about leaving H's walker behind. So glad it's not just me that does it!