Holland and Eden on their very last day of preschool, June 2010

Congratulations to my sweet, sweet girls on their preschool graduation!
I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings.
Twin girls H & E were born prematurely at 24 weeks 3 days gestation in the summer of 2004. At birth H was 1 lb 3.5 oz, 11.5", E 1 lb 5.5 oz, 12". This is their story...
I have been reading your blog from beginning to end in the last two weeks. Several times I felt like leaving a comment, but it seemed silly to do so on a post that was 5 or 3 years old. So now that I'm caught up, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed getting to know your family and your very special daughters. Congratulations to them - and to you - for a job well done. Sounds like they'll be ready for the big school in the fall. Enjoy your summer!
They are beautiful and I cannot believe how much they look like "big girls" now!
Wow! I cannot believe how much they have changed. They are beautiful! Congrats to them on graduating from preschool. They are getting to be such big girls!
Congratulations girls!! Way to go!!
Look how big they are! Who gave them permission to get so big?
They are so cute Congratulations girls!
Boy the girls have really grown up! It's always fun to see them grow and a bit sad at the same time. They look really good.
Thank you for your kind comments. I hope you enjoyed your Father's Day as well. As for the kids getting heavier, I learned that as my son got heavier, my muscles increased as well because the weight increased a little here and a little there. They do get to a point where you can't lift them however the good news is that you can still care for them fairly well.
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