It came!!! Unfortunately, after all the excitement...after we got it hooked up and ready to go, Eden cried when we put it on because she thinks it is too loud. I'm not exactly sure if it really is too loud (it is supposed to be the same map that she has currently), or if it is just different due to the sound being crisper and clearer, but either way, Eden doesn't want to wear it. We'll do some tweaking over the next couple of days...giving her some control over the volume and such, and see if it will fly. If not, we'll have to figure out some way to get home for an audiology appointment in the next month. But, we have it, and my hard work paid off!
Off I go to finish packing for our month long foray into conductive education. We are leaving in the morning and I am just now realizing that I have no idea how to pack for a whole month away! Luckily it is not too far so if we forget anything major we can always make the hike home. Wish us luck!

Just a thought about the new processor. Do you think that Eden's reaction is because the new one if finally working correctly rather than what she's been hearing the last few months or several months from her old one? I was thinking that this might be the right sound just different from the quality she's been used to hearing.
Nancy Roddy
Hi Billie,
Good luck with the processor, and Conductive Ed. camp! Great to see Eden standing so nicely.
Is it wrong that I'm jumping for joy to see Eden standing against the chair like that? She looks SO grown up.
Yes, the processor is also good--I just got distracted.
Good luck with conducive ed--I look forward to hearing all about it!
I think that was exactly the problem. After we got the remote charged and gave her some control over the volume, she was VERY happy and at the end of the day had it turned back up to full volume. She has been really funny talking to herself to "test" her hearing. And she keeps asking us, "Can you hear me?" LOL
Now she doesn't want to take it off...or give up the remote at all!
The overall design of the new processor is SO much sleeker and sturdier. And the addition of the remote...genius. Eden is at the perfect age for the remote to be SO helpful. We are very happy:-)
That's awesome...so glad that you got it and all is well.
Love you.
Funny that you/she likes the remote....it is the one thing I HATE about the Med-el upgrade. I can never tell what I have the thing set on, and Emmi refuses to work the remote herself!
Yay for a new warranty! Med-el is finally including cables in the warranty, and that made me do a little happy dance!
Such cuties!!
I typically am a lurker on your blog, but I upgraded to the Nucleus 5 from the Freedom. There's not a huge difference in sound, but the new processors have some special microphones that bring in a little more sound, which is probably what she's referring to. She should be used to it in no time, and I'm glad you were able to get it! It really feels quite a bit lighter and sleeker.
I didnt realise Eden had a cochlear implant, if you dont mind me asking how old was she when she had it? My Daughter is just going through the process of seeing if she is suitable, she is four. I would love her to be suitable so she can get some speech & call me mummy x
Eden had her cochlear implant surgery at 14 months, and was activated one month later. We are just starting to think about a second implant...
Hi Billie,
Eden is standing unassisted by nothing but a chair! Woot! I can't wait to hear how the conductive ed goes. I read up on them and they say your child has to be able to take direction. I am not so sure that is our Ellie..
I hope it goes well and that Eden does well and it's not too hard!
Hi there,
I somehow came across your blog tonight, and I'm glad I did. Your girls are beautiful miracles, and I've enjoyed reading their stories. What amazing progress they've made in 6 years! Bless you all!
Billie, so happy that Eden was able to get a new processor and that it all worked out for you. I am sure it took some stress off you just knowing she'd be starting school with everything working well. :)
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