On Saturday we spent some QT with one of our NICU friend's family. Their son also has Cerebral Palsy, and we had the great fortune of running into them at the CLC this past summer and getting to know them a little bit better. It really is amazing to be able to connect with other CP families. There's just that little extra immediate depth to the relationship because they are the ones who truly "get it."
Then, on Sunday we took the girls to the circus for the first time! We all really enjoyed the show - including the dogs in tutus, the high wire act, the flying trapeze, and the stunt people shot out of cannons. Very cool. I also personally enjoyed my $12 cotton candy. Except for the fact that it cost $12. Just before the show started we ran into one of our old school friends, there with his family, and went out to dinner with them after the show. Bonus!
It was a fabulous weekend. But today...not so much.
John and Eden were (are) mildly sick with some kind of stuffy nose thing for a few days last week. It started for Holland sometime over the weekend, but wasn't much of a concern until today. Today the wheezing started like we haven't heard for a looooong time (like October last year). I noticed it a little bit after school, but it didn't start to get really bad until dinner and progressed pretty quickly. I got ahold of the doctor and started her on some oral steroid before bed. She also had 2 albuterol treatments fairly close together. At bedtime she was overly tired and hopped up on albuterol, which always makes everything worse, and was pretty much sounding like a train wreck. We decided to put her to bed and see what happened (because sometimes once she relaxes and falls asleep her breathing gets better). After she was down I started mentally preparing for a trip to the ER, thinking it was pretty much inevitable. But I just went up and checked on her and she is sounding much better and breathing a lot more quietly and evenly. So for now we're on the fence. I'll probably keep checking her through the night and try to let her get a good night's rest, then take her to her pediatrician tomorrow. I just really, really, REALLY hope that we can make it till tomorrow.
The hospital does not sound fabulous. At all.

I haven't been to Eden's and Hollands site for such a long time, but they crossed my mind today and I took a chance to see if your blog was still active. You have no idea how happy I was to see both girls doing sooo well. I am amazed at the time and dedication you have committed yourself to sharing their journey. This is something that they will be able to have for such a long time...I Braelyn's grandmother. He was born on 11/5/07 weighing in a whopping 12.5 ounces and 10 inches long. He to is doing great. We have issues with hearing, and more serious issues with weight gain. He turned 3 and still onl weighs 20lbs 2 ounce. Don't get me wrong this little guy doesn't let his size stop him in no way. To be perfectly honest he's a bit of a bully. He also is the center of our universe. I wish I could have kept his blog going. But I work full time days and Braelyn's mommy works Full-time at night so I am ALWAYS baby sitting and Braelyn makes sure he is into everything so I stay on my toes. Your children are beautiful and are soo blessed to have parents that are so determined to make sure they truly experience life and everything it has to offer. My hat is off...God Bless you both and I'm soo glad I took the time to check in on them, although now I've spent nearly two hours just reading one adventure after another. HUGS!!
How is Holland doing now? Hope she made it through the night ok.
She is doing pretty good. Still sick, on oral steroids and needing treatments every four hours, but nothing like that first night when I thought we were going to end up in the ER. She missed the last 2 days of school and will probably need to stay home tomorrow. I am not ready to dance a jig... yet... but I think this might be the first really significant virus...with a cough/wheezing/congestion...that she didn't end up in the hospital, bringing us to 13 months hospital-free! Hoping we can keep it up:-)
i hope everyone is healthy finally!!
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