Thursday, January 06, 2011

The State of Affairs

Happy New Year!!

Life is a crazy whirlwind around here, as usual, and I have not been able to find a whole lot of time for blogging. We had a great holiday despite the fact that at least one person in my household has been sick since Thanksgiving. It seems that Eden and I bore the brunt of it starting with congestion and coughs...the kind of cough that once it starts you can't stop coughing, so much that you start sweating and tears start flowing and you think you might hurl, but you don't. I had that kind of cough on Christmas day. In the midst of that we had a bout of stomach cramping and yuck-poo that lasted for at least a week and made the rounds through each member of the household. Then, just when we thought we were back on track we had another round of fevers and congestion for the New Year. John made it through the entire holiday relatively unscathed, but is in bed today with a nasty stomachache that appears to be something entirely different. I hope this is not an indication of how our entire winter is going to go because I am feeling pretty much done with being sick!

On the bright side (this is me, ever the optimist), WE MADE IT THROUGH THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 2010 WITH NO HOSPITAL STAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that so great, amazing, and splendid??? Also worth
mentioning is the fact that in February Eden will be TWO YEARS hospital-free. It is clearly not that we haven't been sick. It is just that the girls are developing new, undamaged lung tissue and gaining trunk strength and control making it easier for them to cough and clear their lungs and maintain their oxygen saturation and not develop pneumonia. This makes me so happy.

2010 was a great year for us in other ways as well. These are some of our major accomplishments and experiences for the year (in no particular order):

* Eden learned to use the potty and is 100% pull-up free during the day.
* Holland learned to stay dry through the night.
* The girls started regular kindergarten in our neighborhood school.
* We moved to another city for 4 weeks so Eden could do conductive education.
* We went to an amusement park and the girls rode rides for the first time.
* We went camping.
* I fractured my rib after falling off my bike (ouch).
* We went to the beach more than once.
* Holland learned to swim independently wearing a life vest.
* Eden got a bike and learned to ride it.
* We made numerous home improvements and put our house on the market.
* Holland and Eden learned a ton. Both girls have started to read, and Eden's reading has especially skyrocketed. I bet she is at nearly a late-first grade level in both word reading and comprehension. This really makes my heart swell, because I love to read and I know how many doors a good book can open for anyone, but especially a kid who has physical limitations. You can go anywhere in a book!

All in all, 2010 was a great year for us. I was sad to see it go, and will remember it fondly.

There were, however, some major things I would have liked to see happen that didn't...mostly related to feeding and growth. We haven't made much progress at all on either front. Each girl grew 2 inches, putting H at 43 inches and E at 42. Eden gained a pound and a half, putting her at 31.5 pounds. Holland didn't gain any weight. Zero. She is still pushing 32 pounds.

I also would have liked to see Eden doing some independent standing, but maybe that was too lofty a goal. She is able to bear more weight on her legs while holding onto something, but progress is really slow in this department.

Maybe 2011 will be our year for physical growth - gain some weight and work toward Eden's independent standing. Those will be my goals for the New Year, along with selling our house and moving into a new one, and doing a couple more sessions of conductive ed (we are looking at going back in February and again for summer camp). Also, we will start looking into a bilateral cochlear implant. I think a second implant is the way to go and would really help Eden at school and in her future music career (lol), but I am so anxious about pulling the trigger in terms of another major surgery. So, I still have a lot of thought and research to put into it, but if we are going to do it I think this is the year.

That should keep us busy!

How about you? Got any plans?