Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday!!!

For their 8th birthday, Holland and Eden chose to have a Pokemon themed party at the beach with our family. I was hesitant to commit to any major party plans just days before our new baby was scheduled to arrive, but all was well and we were able to pull it off!

 The girls are majorly, MAJORLY, M.A.J.O.R.L.Y into Pokemon these days, and received as gifts every Pokemon toy that has ever existed. They were in heaven. I was elated to have one last *Hurrah* for the "big" girls before they have to start sharing their bday parties with a little sister.

Last photo as a family of four!

Monday, July 09, 2012

Bike Riding Superstar!

From the PEAC newsletter...

"Eden E. is our super star of the week! After showing up on Monday with an adaptive tricycle to assessment and wowing the staff with her abilities to steer and her endurance on that bike, on Wednesday she was ready for a bigger and better adventure. After taking a few laps around the parking lot in her adaptive bike, she asked to ride the tandem bike. With the help of mom, we were able to get her out of her adaptive trike and onto the back of a family tandem. We took a few laps in the parking lot and then were off to ride the loop around the playground. Now, Eden has set her sites even higher and wants to try to ride the tricycle and take longer tandem rides into the community. Great Job, Eden! We are looking forward to see how many more gains you make this summer! "